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Q: When is the next time you can see Canis Major?
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When can you see canis major?

A lot will depend on your location. In the northern hemisphere Canis Major can be seen during the Winter months.

Can you see canis major in March?

Any time on March, Canis Major is visible from 8pm to 1am

History of canis major?

The best place to see Canis Major would be in the square corner of the limit's of china.

When can you see canis minor?

You can see Canis Minor the best during the winter time. Once you see Orion soon you can see Canis Minor.

How the Canis Major got its name?

'Canis Major' is latin for 'great dog' - the ancients believed that by joining the stars within canis major in a sort of celestial dot-to-dot you would see the shape of a large dog in the sky, so they named it thus.

Where is canis major located?

If you know where Canis Major is, then you cannot miss Sirius. It is not only the brightest star in Canis Major, but the brightest in the night sky. Find Orion in the south, during the winter months in the northern hemisphere. Then find Orion's Belt, and follow its line of stars down to the left and you will find Sirius. It is unmistakeable. It is now April, but it is still visible in the early part of the night, but by next month it will be harder to see and won't be easily visible again until next winter.

What type of star would you most likely see in the Canis major?

Canis Major contains all types of stars, although B class stars are probably the most common of the asterism.

What time of year can you see Canis minor the most?

The answer depends on your location.

What month is the month to see Canis Major?

Like all constellations, they can be seen quite well over several months, just at different stages of the night. Canis Major is good for seeing in the months from November through to February in particular. By February it is seen much earlier in the evening, but for less time.

Is Sirius a star?

Yes. It is in the constellation of Canis Major. As we see it, it is the brightest star in the night sky. But maby we can see a brighter star

Can you see the Canis Majoris constellation in the Philippines?

Yes you can see Canis Major high in the sky in the Phillipines from November to March or later. Canis Major contains the star called Sirius, also known as Alpha Canis Majoris, so it is not easily missed. It's highest in the sky at 2 am on December 1, midnight on January 1, 10 pm on February 1, 8 pm on March 1 each year.

Canis major can easily be seen at winter months in the northern hemisphere if you look after sunset in the summer months you cant see it why?

Mainly because you only look at the stars between dinner-time and bed-time. If you're willing to go out and have a look during odd hours of the night, you can see Sirius and the other stars of Canis Major at some time before sunrise on any night after about August 15th. They reach the same position in the sky a little earlier each night than the night before ... by about 4 minutes each night. By the time the winter months have arrived, Canis Major and the other "Winter" constellations have backed up early enough in the night so that they're visible before bed-time.