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long story short, cell breakdown

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Q: When it is a plant is being decompose what is happening?
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What is happening through the process of photosynthesis?

light and water are being combined to form a type of sugar for the plant to absorb.

What is unexpressed genes?

Genes are cells that decompose in a plant cell.

Is seed biodegradable?

If a seed is planted, the seed will either sprout and grow into a plant, or will rot and decompose back into the soil. Therefore, being organic, seeds are biodegradable.

Does photosynthesis happen in cells?

yes it is happening. It is happening in the plant cells.

What causes the remains of an animal or plant to decay?

fungi and animals

What would you say is the main difference between materials that decompose and those that don't?

Materials that decompose can be used to plant other foods. Materials that do not decompose have paper, peeling and left over foods in it.

What cells does photosynthesis follow out?

it is plant cells. It is happening in plant cells.

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Can a grasshopper decompose?

No, actually the Queef and while theyre queefing, the plant dissolves.

Why do veggies decompose faster?

The structure of plant proteins differ from traditional animal protein.

Does a dead plant or a rock decompose in soil?

Plant matter decomposes; rocks erode; both contribute to soil quality and type.

Why is soil important to plant and animals?

The soil is important for plants and animals because it helps to decompose.