

When lab works is done do they check for pregnancy?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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It has been my experience as a Nurse Practitioner since 1984 that pregnancy tests are not usually ordered as part of a regular examination and recommended laboratory tests except for some of the following reasons; this list is not all inclusive: 1) The patient is male and has signs and symptoms of testicular carcinoma. A (+) test with an examination, other lab. tests including a pathology report on a biopsy andeither/or a CAT scan or MRI can be definitively confirmatory. 2) A female patient specifically requests the test for either personal reasons, i.e. she and her partner are really trying hard and frequently to conceive, or as a mandatory, legal follow-up for an accusation of rape case. 3) Irregular or cessation of monthly menses (bleeding) when not attributed to either the patient's exercise/athletic program as extremely strenuous and continuous workouts , i.e. going for the Olympic gold, can temporarily disrupt the body's natural cycle of releasing an egg from the ovary usually every 20-30 days (monthly). 4) Abnormal abdominal growths suspected of being cancerous tumors, can inititally be confused with pregnancy. A pregnancy test can either rule in or out pregnancy. Queen Mary, Henry VIII's firstborn, actually died of an abdominal tumor which at first was thought to be a pregnancy. Queen Elizabeth I was next in line for the throne and the rest is history. Unfortunately, accurate pregnancy or cancer tests were not available in those days. 5) Certain medications can not be taken if a female patient is either pregnant or may become pregnant during the course of the particular therapy with certain medicines. A pregnancy test is usually ordered as a baseline. 6) An etopic pregnancy is possible when the egg and sperm unite too high in the fallopian tube resulting in a pregnancy not quite where it usually occurs and attaches in the uterus. 7) In severe trauma cases, i.e. MVA (motor vehicle accidents), a pregnancy test may be done to determine if one or two patients (or more) are to be monitored and treated. Each treatment regime is usually different depending on the diagnosis/diagnoses of each. As with most questions regarding either general health status, illness, injury, needs for pregnancy tests or complications of pregnancy, it is BEST to find a Primary Care Provider (MD, DO, APN/NP and PA) specializing in OB/GYN with whom you are comfortable. As a direct result of their education and experience, they are best qualified to meet with you, do a comlete history and physical, order any laboratory test which may be indicated including a pregnancy test, formulate a medical diagnosis/diagnoses and develop with you, the patient, the most appropriate plan of care. I hope that the above has helped answer at least part your question regarding the need(s) for a pregnancy test. Although a urine sample may be all that is required, the more precise and accurate pregnancy tests involve a small sample of blood. Some of the more common laboratory names for the pregnancy test might include: a urine UCG (urinary chorionic gonadotropin) and the serum HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). In either case, Best Wishes and Good Luck! Be sure to find a Primary Care Provider soon, most especially if you feel that "something is wrong." 5) It has been my experience as a Nurse Practitioner since 1984 that pregnancy tests are not usually ordered as part of a regular examination and recommended laboratory tests except for some of the following reasons; this list is not all inclusive: 1) The patient is male and has signs and symptoms of testicular carcinoma. A (+) test with an examination, other lab. tests including a pathology report on a biopsy andeither/or a CAT scan or MRI can be definitively confirmatory. 2) A female patient specifically requests the test for either personal reasons, i.e. she and her partner are really trying hard and frequently to conceive, or as a mandatory, legal follow-up for an accusation of rape case. 3) Irregular or cessation of monthly menses (bleeding) when not attributed to either the patient's exercise/athletic program as extremely strenuous and continuous workouts , i.e. going for the Olympic gold, can temporarily disrupt the body's natural cycle of releasing an egg from the ovary usually every 20-30 days (monthly). 4) Abnormal abdominal growths suspected of being cancerous tumors, can inititally be confused with pregnancy. A pregnancy test can either rule in or out pregnancy. Queen Mary, Henry VIII's firstborn, actually died of an abdominal tumor which at first was thought to be a pregnancy. Queen Elizabeth I was next in line for the throne and the rest is history. Unfortunately, accurate pregnancy or cancer tests were not available in those days. 5) Certain medications can not be taken if a female patient is either pregnant or may become pregnant during the course of the particular therapy with certain medicines. A pregnancy test is usually ordered as a baseline. 6) An etopic pregnancy is possible when the egg and sperm unite too high in the fallopian tube resulting in a pregnancy not quite where it usually occurs and attaches in the uterus. 7) In severe trauma cases, i.e. MVA (motor vehicle accidents), a pregnancy test may be done to determine if one or two patients (or more) are to be monitored and treated. Each treatment regime is usually different depending on the diagnosis/diagnoses of each. As with most questions regarding either general health status, illness, injury, needs for pregnancy tests or complications of pregnancy, it is BEST to find a Primary Care Provider (MD, DO, APN/NP and PA) specializing in OB/GYN with whom you are comfortable. As a direct result of their education and experience, they are best qualified to meet with you, do a comlete history and physical, order any laboratory test which may be indicated including a pregnancy test, formulate a medical diagnosis/diagnoses and develop with you, the patient, the most appropriate plan of care. I hope that the above has helped answer at least part your question regarding the need(s) for a pregnancy test. Although a urine sample may be all that is required, the more precise and accurate pregnancy tests involve a small sample of blood. Some of the more common laboratory names for the pregnancy test might include: a urine UCG (urinary chorionic gonadotropin) and the serum HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). In either case, Best Wishes and Good Luck! Be sure to find a Primary Care Provider soon, most especially if you feel that "something is wrong." 5) It has been my experience as a Nurse Practitioner since 1984 that pregnancy tests are not usually ordered as part of a regular examination and recommended laboratory tests except for some of the following reasons; this list is not all inclusive: 1) The patient is male and has signs and symptoms of testicular carcinoma. A (+) test with an examination, other lab. tests including a pathology report on a biopsy andeither/or a CAT scan or MRI can be definitively confirmatory. 2) A female patient specifically requests the test for either personal reasons, i.e. she and her partner are really trying hard and frequently to conceive, or as a mandatory, legal follow-up for an accusation of rape case. 3) Irregular or cessation of monthly menses (bleeding) when not attributed to either the patient's exercise/athletic program as extremely strenuous and continuous workouts , i.e. going for the Olympic gold, can temporarily disrupt the body's natural cycle of releasing an egg from the ovary usually every 20-30 days (monthly). 4) Abnormal abdominal growths suspected of being cancerous tumors, can inititally be confused with pregnancy. A pregnancy test can either rule in or out pregnancy. Queen Mary, Henry VIII's firstborn, actually died of an abdominal tumor which at first was thought to be a pregnancy. Queen Elizabeth I was next in line for the throne and the rest is history. Unfortunately, accurate pregnancy or cancer tests were not available in those days. 5) Certain medications can not be taken if a female patient is either pregnant or may become pregnant during the course of the particular therapy with certain medicines. A pregnancy test is usually ordered as a baseline. 6) An etopic pregnancy is possible when the egg and sperm unite too high in the fallopian tube resulting in a pregnancy not quite where it usually occurs and attaches in the uterus. 7) In severe trauma cases, i.e. MVA (motor vehicle accidents), a pregnancy test may be done to determine if one or two patients (or more) are to be monitored and treated. Each treatment regime is usually different depending on the diagnosis/diagnoses of each. As with most questions regarding either general health status, illness, injury, needs for pregnancy tests or complications of pregnancy, it is BEST to find a Primary Care Provider (MD, DO, APN/NP and PA) specializing in OB/GYN with whom you are comfortable. As a direct result of their education and experience, they are best qualified to meet with you, do a comlete history and physical, order any laboratory test which may be indicated including a pregnancy test, formulate a medical diagnosis/diagnoses and develop with you, the patient, the most appropriate plan of care. I hope that the above has helped answer at least part your question regarding the need(s) for a pregnancy test. Although a urine sample may be all that is required, the more precise and accurate pregnancy tests involve a small sample of blood. Some of the more common laboratory names for the pregnancy test might include: a urine UCG (urinary chorionic gonadotropin) and the serum HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). In either case, Best Wishes and Good Luck! Be sure to find a Primary Care Provider soon, most especially if you feel that "something is wrong." 5)

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Q: When lab works is done do they check for pregnancy?
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