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Hi, Some vaginal bleeding does smell, yes but each woman has her own smell so its difficult to say hun. i am not 100% sure that it's suppose to have that smell but when it happened to me, it was this smell like ammonia and i told my friend about it and she had gone thru the same thing, but you should still go to the doctor because everyones different. good luck!

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Q: When light bleeding occurs during pregnancy does the blood smell like ammonia?
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Does vaginal bleeding happen during the same time your period should be?

The most common vaginal bleeding occurs during your period. However,they have been reports of women spotting during ovulation or during pregnancy. If you are worried you might be pregnant, by all means take a home pregnancy test.

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No it does not.

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Yes, but it is not always noticeable. Implantation bleeding occurs when the embry implants itself into the uterine lining.

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There are instances of vaginal bleeding for long periods of time during pregnancy. However, it would depend upon how much bleeding; just spotting would be fine, but it is doubtful if bleeding occurs every day in large amounts.

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No. If you are pregnant and having bleeding you should see your doctor. Implantation bleeding only occurs during implantation not a month after.

Is it true that if a woman has her period she is not pregnant?

Yes, this is true. Menstruation occurs when the egg has not been fertilised, it is biologically impossible to menstruate if you are pregnant. Although it is important to point out that you can experience vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, so if you are concerned about pregnancy it's best to take a pregnancy test to confirm whether or not you're pregnant.

If I went on my period twice could I be pregnant?

It is biologically impossible to menstruate if you are pregnant, menstruation only occurs if someone doesn't get pregnant. It is possible to experience vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, it's uncommon but there are situations where it can happen, if concerned you may be pregnant take a pregnancy test.