

When liquid particles get cool enough what do they become?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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A solid then the solid get cool enough and becomes a B.E.C. or Boise Einstien Concentrate.

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Q: When liquid particles get cool enough what do they become?
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A cooled liquid will become a solid.

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What are Examples of 3 basics of matter?

Water is a liquid. If you cool water enough it will change phase or state to become ice. If you heat water enough it will change phase or state and become steam

What does a liquid become when you cool it and it changes phase?

When you cool a liquid and it changes phase, it becomes a solid.

How do gas particles become liquid?

The atoms in a gas are less bound, and further apart from eachother, whereas in a liquid they're closer, and less energetic (not individualliy moving around as much). If you cool a gas, or compress it enough those free atoms will both loose energy due to cooling or increase in pressure and be forced to be closer to one another. When close enough, weak intermolecular bonds will form, some stronger than others depending on the atoms and electrical configuration involved and it will become a liquid. If you give them energy, by heating it up, those atoms will move around more and break those intermolecular bonds, becoming a gas again, so liquid is a less energetic state for individual atoms.

What turns from a gas to a liquid to a solid?

Any material we might imagine can be found as a gas (or even a plasma) if it has enough thermal energy. Cool it sufficiently to extract heat and it will become a liquid. Cool it even more and it will become a solid. Only helium will not become solid if we cool it as far as we can. Everything else we know of can be caused to change state and appear as a gas, liquid or solid. These are all physical changes (not chemical ones), and there are many examples we might cite that show this is true. If we consider water, it can be found as a gas or vapor, and by cooling it we'll get it condense into a liquid. Rain is water that has changed state from a gas to a liquid. Cool liquid water more and it will become the solid we know as ice.

When a liquid or gas is heated the particles move?

When anything is cooled its particles move more slowly.

What happens to a solid when its cooled?

It depends on what the solid is made out of. Most solids shrink when cooled, and become more brittle. There are exceptions, however, such as ice, which expands slightly at certain temperatures.

If liquid evaporates what happens?

In a liquid state, particles are moving at many different speeds. At the surface of the liquid, some of the faster-moving particles are able to escape into the air. Slower-moving particles stay in the liquid state. Slower motion means lower average energy, however, and this means lower temperature. As high-energy particles leave the surface of a liquid it then cools the surface on which it is resting. Scientist call this phenomenon evaporative cooling. Evaporating cooling is common and can be very useful.

Why does a liquid cool when evaporated?

Evaporation Takes Place Layer By Layer. Then Heat, In The Stages Of Evaporation Just Effects The First Layer Of The Liquid . Heat Makes An Increase Of Enegry Between The Particles. The Particles, With That Energy, Trys To Move And Seperate ThemSelves From The Whole Liquid. The Higher Engery Partides Rise, Leaving The Less Engery Ones Behind, There For Making The Liquid Cool.

What does a gas cool off to become?

Under normal circumstances, gas becomes a liquid when it cools and condenses.

What happens when you cool air?

The air particles would get denser and the air would sink. If you cool it enough the water vapor in the air might freeze.