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At night.

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Q: When many animals are active and plant stomata are open in hot desert organisms?
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When many animals are active and plant stomata are open in hot desert organism?

At night.

When many animals are active and plant are open in hot desert organisms?

At night.

What is a desert community?

A desert community refers to the species and organisms that live in a desert area. This is the desert biome which includes plants and animals and other organisms.

Are desert animals only active at night?


Why does a rainforest have more organisms than a desert?

Because a desert is dry and only certain animals can live their where as a rainforest has rain and sunlight and food that organisms can live with

Where do desert animals gets water?

some animals have designated places in their body to store water, such as the humps of a camel, and some get water from the plants they eat. The plants are able to store their water through guard cells which open and close the stomata, by opening the stomata at night, when its cooler, they are able to keep more water.

What is a biotic part of a desert?

Biotic factors are the living organisms found in the desert and include all the plants and animals that make the desert their home.

What time does the desert wake up?

The desert never sleeps. Some animals are active at night, some in the early hours of the morning and others are active during the day.

What time of the day would a person see many animals in the desert?

Many animals in the desert will be most active in the early morning, late evening and at night.

What zone does the desert live in?

The desert 'lives' nowhere. It is not a living organism but is the home to many living organisms - plants and animals.

Are animals active in the day time in the desert?

Most animals that live in the desert are inactive during the day, and active at night. This is so they can conserve moisture, rather than losing it to the heat of the day, as many of them get all their moisture from the food they eat.

What will happen to animals and plants if they are not adapted to the desert?

nothing they have already adapted to the desert life if you change it they will die