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If your result is orange you are right where you need to be. If it turns yellow you will have to add chlorine to balance the pH levels out. Like I said though, orange is perfect and you will only have to check it twice a month.

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Q: When pH testing a pool or spa, what do the colors on the test strip mean?
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Where can you get a replacement strip for your pool?

at the pool store

How often should I test my pool water for pH and chlorine levels?

You should test your pool weekly at the very least and if there has been lots of rain or after a pool party. Liquid testing kits, strip testers, and digital testing kits are the main ways to test your pool water. You should test for total and free chlorine, pH, alkalinity, cyanuric acid, calcium hardness, phosphates, copper, and salt if you have a saltwater pool.

What tools would be required for testing the chemicals in a swimming pool?

If someone wants to test the water in a swimming pool then they need to buy a supply of the water testing kits that are available. These use chemicals and colors to indicate what is needed to be added to purify the water. Chlorine in some form is also needed regularly.

What does pH mean in pool testing?

pH measures the level of acidity or basicity in the water. Should be 7.2-7.8

What does bright orange color mean when testing pool water chlorine?

Chlorine levels are too high. Wait a few days and test again.

How much salt do you add?

This needs to be tested with a pool salt testing device or get the water tested at the pool shop.

What do light and the game of pool have in common?

There are many colors ;)

Does well water have a high alkalinity?

It might or it might not. Find out by testing it with a 'pool kit' or taking a sample to a lab for proper analysis. -If you drink it this is essential.It might or it might not. Find out by testing it with a 'pool kit' or taking a sample to a lab for proper analysis. -If you drink it this is essential.

How to Use Ph paper to do Ph Testing?

PH testing is often more of a curiosity than anything else, unless a person has a swimming pool of any size filled in their back yard. Sometimes, even if you do not have an in ground or above ground pool, you still want to know the PH of an object. Whether it is for a science project or out of simple curiosity, it is easy to determine the acidity or alkaline nature of an object without a lot of special equipment.Before doing basic ph testing, a person should head to his local drug store or Wal-Mart, and pick up an item simply called PH testing strips. These are pieces of paper similar to the litmus paper that most people used in grade school science classes. The difference is that they change to more than one color and make it easier to read. More advanced equipment is seldom needed for most uses around the home.Take the strip of paper off of the book. Prepare a small solution of the chemical you want to test and place a small part of the piece of paper in. If the solution is not neutral, it will change colors. If the strip does not change colors at all, the tested item has a pH number of seven and it is neither a base nor an acid. If the color of the strip does change, the user should compare it against a chart provided with the purchase. The color should correspond to one already on the chart.People doing ph testing for their swimming pool want to make sure that the water is within a safe range for people. While the steps remain the same, there are additional steps. The owner must add the appropriate chemicals to bring the water back to around a ph of 7. Usually, it is the addition of the chemicals that causes the pH of pool water to change drastically in the first place.

Can I buy a pH testing kit for my pool online?

Yes, you can by pH testing kits for pools online. Some of the best places are, and Leslie's Pool supply also carrying chemicals to balance the pH.

What do you do if your pool has iron?

There are simple test strips for iron by Aquachek and others. You can also take a water sample to your local pool supply store for testing.

What paint brushes are available for grundos in neopets?

The rainbow pool will tell you what colors each neopet can be painted.