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Q: When populations approach their carrying capacity their resources?
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A sentence with the word carrying capacity?

After carrying capacity, populations decrease.

Populations grow until what stage is reached?

Carrying Capacity

Is there carrying capacity for humans?

There is a carrying capacity for humans. This is because humans will eventually run out of Natural Resources and space.

What is the carrying capacity of people living on earth?

A population's carrying capacity is the amount of organisms a certain environment can sustain. If the number of organisms exceeds carrying capacity the resources in the environment will be depleted resulting in a carrying capacity drop followed by a drop in the population of organisms.

Define carrying capacity and its impact on populations.?

a carrying capacity is the part of the population trend that has a stable trend with  little to no changes making the population have a steady trend. its impact on populations has a major impact if the population is below the carrying capacity then deaths exceed births while if it is over then births exceed deaths. 

Why is territoriality an adaptive behavior for songbirds maintaining populations at or near their carrying capacity?

Songbird males defend territories commensurate with the size from which they can derive adequate resources for themselves, their mate, and their chicks

How are resources, competition, and carry copacity related?

Carrying capacity is how many organisms can live in a region, so how many resources that region has determines the carrying capacity. The organisms are in competition with each other for those resources.

What is carrying-capacity?

The carrying capacity of a given ecosystem is the total number of organisms in a given species for which there are sufficient resources, so that they survive and reproduce.

Why cant populations continue to grow larger and larger forever?

It then reaches the carrying capacity point.

What are two ways that carrying capacity can be increased?

sustainable use of resources

Why are human populations not limited by carrying capacity of their own ecosystems?

Humans are able to use their knowledge to locate resources they need.

The maximum population of a species that the resources of its habitat can support?

Carrying Capacity (K)