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Q: When populations have very similar traits they have?
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When are two populations likely to have very similar allele frequencies?

If there is a large amount of genetic drift :)

Can populations evolve?

Evolution is the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms.Short answer, populations are the only thing that evolves. Individuals die. Traits are passed on to progeny that make up the variations in the populations that evolve.

What is a traits that perform a similar function but arise from different ancestral traits are called?


Why was Italy similar to Greece?

Greece was an empire, then Rome was an empire. Since they were from similar times, they had similar traits.

The change in the inherited traits of populations of organisms over time is known as?

It is called genetic drift.

What do Phillips County Montana and Nan Province Thailand have in common?

Both have populations that are not very diverse.Both are agricultural.

What describes the demographics of Europe?

Low birthrate and positive migration

What are convergent traits?

Two separate animal species or organisms develop similar traits through evolution.

What compares similar traits or relationships between things that are not similar?

An analogy compares similar relationships. There is no requirement that the analog pairs be dissimilar. Both metaphor and simile can compare traits. Similes use the word "like" or "as."

What removes individuals with average trait values creating two populations with extreme traits?

This is known as Directional Selection.

Do the two dog breeds that are used for similar tasks also have similar physical traits?


Can you and your first cousin twice removed have any similar traits?

Certainly it can happen that you and your first cousin, twice removed, may have similar traits, but there is no rule that says it will always happen.