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It was NOT the Declaration of Independence they met to revise, but the Articles of Confederation. They were supposed to modify the Confederation; instead they came up with an entirely new government, described in the Constitution.

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Q: When representatives met in Philadelphia in May of 1787 they were to revise what document?
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When did they revise the Articles of Confederation?

They decided to send delegrates to a convention in Philadelphia to revise the Article of Confederation in 1787, nearly a year after the Shays' Rebellion.

When the representatives of the American states met in Philadelphia in 1787 what did they write?

The US Constitution.

Representatives from the states met to write new constitution in?

Philadelphia in the summer of 1787.

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Delegates agreed to gather at what is called the at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in May 1787. They were to revise the Articles. They decided instead to write a document that created an entirely new and stronger national government.

What is the definition for Philadelphia convention of 1787?

The convention in Philadelphia of representatives from each colonies except Rhode Island at which the Constitution of the U.S. was framed

What was the original purpose for calling a meeting in Philadelphia in 1787?

so, they could revise the articles of confederation

Where was the meeting to revise the articles of confederation held?

The Constitutional Convention of 1787. The Articles of Confederation were ultimately abandoned by our four fathers and the US Constitution was written.

Give the date that the congress of the confederation gave official approval for a meeting to take place in philadelphia pannsylvania to revise the articles of confedration?

February 21, 1787

What was the initial purpose of the constitution convention of 1787?

revise the Articles of Confederation

In 1787 55 delegates met in Philadelphia and created which document of American government?

The United States Constitution.

Why did the representatives of the states meet in Philadelphia in 1787?

They met in Philadelphia because they wanted to revise the weakened Articles of Confederation. Instead they ended up re-writing the Constitution.

In 1787 what important document was written?

The members of the Constitutional Convention signed the United States Constitution on September 17, 1787 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.