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Roman people fled to country estates only in the areas of the empire which were close to its European frontiers and had been devastated by attempted invasions of areas near the borders. elsewhere in the empire life continued much as before.

The destruction of warfare and a problem with hyperinflation led to the collapse of the urban economy of some cities. Hence many urban people migrated to the country estate. These were also some peasants who abandoned their plots of land to escape an oppressive taxation regime and seek the protection of the rich landlords. However, the Roman state responded by tying these people to the estates, forbidding them from living, in exchange for help by the landlords in collecting the taxes. The result was the emergence of servile labour. In some areas these workers were at the mercy of the landlords. In other areas, the landed states provided a shelter against continued raids into the empire by outsiders and in areas where the Roman state was weak, against tax collection.

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Q: When roman people fled to country estates how did the way of life in Europe change?
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