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Without their fins they can't swim properly and sink to the bottom of the ocean. So they die by either getting eaten or suffocation

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Q: When sharks fin get cut off do they die?
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Do sharks die after the dorsal fin is cut off?

If they'd only cut the dorsal fin, there's a good chance that the shark would survive. But usually they cut all fins, which leave the shark unable to swim and dooms it to a slow death.

What is the most important part of a shark's body?

Thier dorsal fin, I'm not sure why but I do know they will drown and die without it, people catch sharks and cut off their dorsal fin to sell and throw the shark back where they drown.

What happens to them when there fins get cut off great white sharks?

they die

Is hammerhead sharks endangered?

All sharks are endangered, because fisherman catch sharks and cut off their fins to make a Chinese dish called shark fin soup often used at weddings and parties.

What hunts sharks?

people cut off shark's fins and put them in soup (shark fin soup)

Should shark fin soup be banned?

Yes it should be! It is animal cruelty! Did you know that they catch sharks, cut off their fins while they are still alive and throw them back in the water to die? I don't know about you but this sounds like cruelty to me! Millions of sharks die each year because of this delacacy..

Is a hammerheaded shark endangered?

All sharks are endangered, because fisherman catch sharks and cut off their fins to make a Chinese dish called shark fin soup often used at weddings and parties.

Why are sharks on the endangered list?

A major reason is that people will cut off their fins for food. That causes the shark to stop swimming. Sharks have to swim or they will drown. The sharks drown and die.

How are sharks still alive and not endangered?

All sharks are endangered because people are catching them in great numbers and cutting off their fins for sharks fin soup.

Why are hammerhead sharks indangered?

Yes, all species of shark are endangered because some country's fishermen catch them and cut off their fins for 'sharks fin soup' -what is worse is that the rest of the shark is discarded. I am a SCUBA diver and I have found dead, fin less sharks lying on the sea floor it is a terrible sight an so stupid and unnecessary. ------------------------------- most likely yes but more than 3 million sharks are in the wild ------------------------------- They are endangered Yes --------------------------------- In some places they kill them for food. -------------------------------------

Do sharks die why?

Too many fishers are leaving nets in the ocean and sharks get caught in them and to survive sharks must keep swimming to force the seawater through their gills to separate water from oxygen. Also cutting off shark fins to make shark fin soup kills them.

Can sharks swim without dorsal fins?

Sharks do not and cannot survive with out their dorsal fin. "If a shark has its fin removed and is consequently returned to the ocean, under almost all circumstances the shark will not survive. Unlike salamanders or sea stars that can regrow limbs that have been cut off, sharks do not possess any regenerative properties that would allow them to regrow their fins." "A shark without a dorsal fin is like … well, a dead shark. Sharks whose fins have been lopped off simply don't survive, and yet fishermen relentlessly perform these brutal amputations in order to feed the voracious market for shark-fin soup." Read more: