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Q: When should the principles of DRS ABCD begin on an unconscious patient or in a life threatening emergency?
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Related questions

What should you do when a medical emergency occurs?

When there is a medical emergency one should call for an ambulance. Make the patient comfortable, place in the recovery position if unconscious, then follow any instructions given by the emergency service.

When do you check for breathing?

Check for breathing as soon as the scene is safe, the patient is unconscious, and 911 (or the local emergency number) has been called.

What path does emergency surgery follow?

from resuscitation and stabilization of the patient with a patient management team, to preparation of the patient for surgery, to post-operative and recovery procedures--all designed to deal quickly with the life-threatening situation

Why emetics not given to unconscious patient?

Because - an emetic is given to force the patient vomit. If given to an unconscious patient - the patient could choke if the vomit enters the airway.

Unconscious in a sentence?

The patient remained unconscious after the accident.

When do you need urgent care instead of emergency care?

Urgent care is necessary for a serious illness that does not require the use of an emergency room. This typical means that the patient is ambulatory or able to walk and the problem is not immediately life threatening.

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What are the dangers of giving a patient with life threatening asthma Benzodiazepines

What precautions need to be taken when doing a tracheotomy?

Doctors perform emergency tracheotomies as last-resort procedures. They are done only if the patient's windpipe is obstructed and the situation is life-threatening.

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Is it legal for a doctor not to treat you due to past doctor reputation and loss of license?

In general, a doctor has the right to not accept you as a patient outside of an emergency room setting. However, federal law prohibits hospitals from refusing to treat you in a life-threatening emergency.

Can a neighbor take a child to the emergency room?

If the parent is not available to take a child to the emergency room then whomever takes the child needs to present a note from the parent or the parent needs to be available by phone. If the situation is life-threatening (excessive bleeding, unconcious patient, etc.) the emergency room staff can consider the situation as implied consent. If the parent is not available to take a child to the emergency room then whomever takes the child needs to present a note from the parent or the parent needs to be available by phone. If the situation is life-threatening (excessive bleeding, unconcious patient, etc.) the emergency room staff can consider the situation as implied consent.