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The horn is used for various reasons. One may be to warn oncoming vehicles of objects/animals in the room. Another is if a driver is making an incorrect decision that could risk the safety of another vehicle. Anytime when communication is necessary a horn can be used to try and communicate various messages.

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Q: When should you beep your car horn?
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the sound a car horn makes?


Where is the horn relay located on this car?

A good way to fine the horn relay if you dont have a manual is to pull the wire on the horn then have somewon press the horn button .... beep beep beep you will hear a clicking sound which will help you locate the relay

What is an onomotopea?

A word that suggests the source of the sound that it describes. Like beep beep for the horn of a car.

What sound does a semi truck horn make Beep beep is a car horn A little help here Thanks?

A big long loudHONK!

Why doesn't your alarm beep when you lock your 2005 Nissan Altima?

Normally you hit the lock button twice to make the horn beep, but I think your car does a double beep but it not the horn if it dont beep anymore you could have it fixed but would it be worth it?

When is it illegal to beep your car horn?

always, except for emergency situations.

Why did your horn beep rapidly when car was off?

It might be the alarm system; or your car is going haywire.

What does beep beep do in Lego Star Wars for Wii?

When you activate beep beep press b while driving a car, and it will honk its horn

When backing up in a car What is the best thing to do?

Look behind you and BEEP the horn.

What does the red horn on the keyless remote for a Chevy Cobalt 09' do?

Press it and the horn will beep a few times. It helps to locate your car.

Is it illegal considering you are only 12-13 to stand on a street and ask people to beep their car horn for charity Every time you get one beep your friends and family will give us money?

It is not illegal to ask people to beep their horn but it is illegal for anyone to beep a vehicle horn unless there is danger present. So, the act of asking people to beep the horn is not worthwhile. Also, intentionally creating a dangerous situation so that people will be able to beep their horns legally for the danger is illegal and is subject to fine and/or imprisonment.

Was there ever a roadrunner car?

Yes. Produced from 1968 thruogh 1980, It wore the Warner Brothers decals of the roadrunner, and had an authentic "beep-beep" horn.