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Credit Cards and Your Credit Scoretrust me when i say, don't close your credit card accounts as soon as you pay them in full. definitely cut the cards in half and store in a safe place. do not contact the creditor to inform them that you are paying the account in full and closing it. by closing your accounts soon after paying them off, you end up "decreasing" your credit score with the three main Credit Bureaus (Equifax, TransUnion, Experian). i know this all too well because i just had this happen to me. in my opinion, it's not fair, but it's the way it is. i was informed by my local Credit Bureau (for future reference) not to cancel/close credit card accounts when I've paid them in full and no longer want to use them. i was told to let the accounts remain active/open until the credit card company contacts me to cancel them due to non-usage (this can occur within one or more years from the date of your final payment). by doing this, your credit scores will not be affected and that's a good thing to have happen these days.
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Q: When should you close credit accounts?
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Should I close all old credit card accounts that have 0 balances?

yea if you dont want bad credit

If you close out some of your credit card accounts and continue to pay them off will that increase your credit score?

You should not close a credit card if you are still paying on it. It will bring your credit score down. Close it when you are done paying. I know this because my mom owns her own credit repair/management business and she tells me what to do with my credit cards.

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When should you close unused credit cards and will this hurt or help your credit score?

Usually closing accounts will hurt your score because if you have debt on other cards, your debt to available credit ratio will rise and it can ding your credit score.

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No, they are completely different accounts.

If you close a checking account wll it hurt your credit score?

Checking accounts are not normally reflected on a credit report.

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Call the company, it is likely that they'll ask for a copy of the death certificate to close the accounts.

Can creditors remove their accounts from your credit report?

no, it should stay on your credit report for life.

Should you close paid off cards or keep them open?

If you're not going to use them again, close them out! Even if your balance is paid up, active CC accounts appear in your credit report, and could be counted against you if you need to take out a loan or line of credit again.

If a person has high available credit on cards they will not use again should they close those accounts?

It would probably be in your best interest to close the account(s). You will be protecting yourself from identiy theft/credit card fraud. And depending on your credit terms, annual or semi-annual fees, that can be assessed whether the account is used or not.

Is accounts payable a debit or creit balance account?

Accounts Payable is a liability so it should be a credit balance.

What is the fastest way to improve the credit score?

pay your bills on time, don't apply for new credit, don't close any of your current accounts