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Swine Flu is detected through a nasal swab, not a blood test. Blood tests are used to rule out human Influenza A and B. THe nasal swab results should be back within a few days, but keep in mind these are run by the CDC and may become backed up, resulting in longer delays.

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12y ago

Now that the H1N1/09 pandemic is over, the testing for the swine flu virus has been nearly eliminated. The reason is that it does not require treatment that is different from other types of flu, so knowing which kind it is won't add value to your medical care...just costs. There are still rapid field tests that can be used to quickly identify the presence of flu and will identify if Type A like swine flu (but also many many others are Type A) or if it is a Type B flu virus. These results are immediate. So, an infection with an influenza virus can be confirmed locally and quickly, but just not the specific type (beyond A versus B).

The test that will actually confirm presence of the exact A- H1N1/09 pandemic swine flu, must still be sent off to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) laboratory and results can take a week or more to receive.

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12y ago

if you are not feeling well and are having temperature that's really hot (over 40 degrees Celsius) and have been near someone with swine flu i would get checked out.

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Texans should use the same measures as anyone else to prevent swine flu infections. See the related question below for how to avoid swine flu.

Are the flu and Swine Flu the same?

No, Swine Flu is just one strain of the many flu viruses. Flu is an abbreviation for influenza. So Swine Flu is a type of flu, but all flu is not the swine flu, there are other kinds.

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