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It doesn't seem like a prudent use of money to me. If you already know he's having an affair, then what difference does it really make how long he's been doing it?

If you're in divorce proceedings and your attorney advises that you establish this for legal reasons, that's different.

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  • For the next two weeks watch for the patterns your spouse is getting into such as working too much overtime; going out with the boys and coming home late or coming home without an explanation. Once you have zeroed in on a pattern of your spouse this is the time you hire a private investigator.
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Q: When should you hire a Private Investigator to catch your spouse having an affair?
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After the training, you should focus yourself with getting a job. Since you got private investigator training, you might become a police investigator.

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The question is not easy to answer. The salary of private investigator depends upon the nature of task assigned to the investigator and the time frame provided to him. Salary should be reasonable.

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Prior experience in the field is always a plus in the area of private investigators. No formal experience is required however to simply become a private investigator.

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Domestic violence is a crime, and a public affair. Abusers probably want it to be considered a private affair to avoid the shame of owning their actions, but in general, most believe that domestic violence should be a public affair.

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Try academies or institutes run by private investigators.They know better about what training a private investigator should possess. Or find if the sponsoring company is still active in the industry and choose it.

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Because its more of a private affair

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no. no affairs should be ignored. if he is having an affair with another women then that is unsuitable and should be resolved

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what do you mean should you let her have an affair. If you wife wanted to have an affair she does not need your approval. Did, you get her approval. You sound somewhat stupid.

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The question is not easy to answer. The salary of private investigator depends upon the nature of task assigned to the investigator and the time frame provided to him. Salary should be reasonable.

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