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A cold is not considered to be serious and generally does not need a doctor. However if you already have some other condition like Heart disease, then checking in with a doctor would be a good idea.

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Q: When should you see the doctor for a cold?
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Why is your nose always cold and goes blue?

This can be a sign of poor circulation. You should see a doctor.

What causes one foot to turn pale and cold?

Poor circulation. You should see a doctor immediately!

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Most people can not tell if you have any symptoms of the common cold you should see your doctor to see if it is swine flu or not.

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If you have a fever, chest pain, or green or yellow mucuos you should see the doctor immediately. Uncontrolled infection is one of the top three causes of death in lupus.

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Swelling should always be treated with COLD compress, not hot. But if the swelling persists or returns, see a doctor to find out what is causing it.

What should I do I broke my foot a little over a year ago and never saw a doctor know it hurts when it gets cold should I be worried?

You should go and see the doctor but for now make sure if it's cold you want to wear boots and warm cloths and try not to go outside. I hope this help

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You should see your doctor.

Is your dry throat a cold or flu?

See your Doctor..He can make that determination.

What should you do if you break your toe?

You should see a doctor.

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