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Q: When sodium levels increase an animal is stimulated to?
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A sodium channel blocker would increasedecreaseserum sodium levels outside of normal resting nerve cells?

a sodium channel blocker would (increase;decrease) serum sodium levels outside of normal resting nerve cells

Will D5W lower sodium level?

No, D5W (5% dextrose in water) does not contain sodium and will not lower sodium levels in the body. To lower sodium levels, patients may need to restrict sodium intake, increase water intake, or take medications as prescribed by a healthcare provider.

Why does blood pressure increase with workload?

Blood pressure increase as weight increase because of raised sodium levels and thickening of the arteries.

Are sodium and potassium the final go signal in muscle contraction?

an increase in intracellular calcium ion levels

When a stimulus acts on a neuron it decreases the permeability of the stimulated point of its membrane to sodium ions?

False( When a stimulus acts on a neuron, it increases the permeability of the stimulated point of its membrane to sodium ions. )

When cholinergic receptors are stimulated they?

sodium ions enter the postsynaptic neuron.

In action potential the sodium enter to depolarize the stimulated area not whole the nerve why?

Sodium ions can enter the neuron in the stimulated areabecause in this area sodium channels open up, allowing the sodium ions to flow down their concentration gradient. In other parts of the membrane these channels remain closed.

How does the reabsorption of sodium and water from the renal tubules increase blood volume?

When blood volume is low, sodium reabsorption in the kidneys is stimulated. The increased sodium increases osmotic pressure, causing water to be reabsorbed with the sodium. The reabsorbed water is added to the plasma, thus increasing blood volume.

How many full electron levels does sodium?

there is 2 full electron levels in sodium!!

How can I get my sodium levels lower?

You can get your sodium levels lower by eating less salty foods.

Will eating salt bring up low sodium count?

Yes, consuming salt can help increase low sodium levels in the body, as sodium is a component of salt. However, it's important to balance salt intake as excessive consumption can lead to other health issues. If you have concerns about your sodium levels, it's best to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

What precaution or side effects should you be aware of when administering cyanide antidotes?

Sodium nitrite can increase methemoglobin levels, which will decrease blood oxygenation