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I sure wish I had the answer to this question. I've been on it 7 day 3x a day, and if anything I think I feel more tired. What is wrong with me? WBC and hemoglobin low.

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Q: When taking ferrous sulfate how soon will you start feeling better?
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Is magnesium sulfate conductive in water?

magnesium has a charge of +2, meaning that it is ready to receive two more electrons. however when it says conductive there, metal should be able to give out the electrons but in this case magnesium would be taking in the electrons. so, magnesium is not conductive.

What is the chemical equation for Lithium sulfate and lead acetate reaction balanced equation?

Step 1: Na1+ + SO42- = Na2SO4 (you nees to balance out the charges of sodium and sulfate individually. Then you combine them and you get sodium sulfate.) Step 2: 2Na1+ + SO42-= Na2SO4 (Now the whole equation is balanced :) you have 2Na on the left to balance the 2Na on the right and SO4 is equal on both left and right side with a 1:1 molar ratio.

Can calcium magnesium citrate cause sleepiness?

I've been recently taking alot of calcuim and magnesium in a liquid form due to having been diagnose with osteoporosis and noticed i have become so, so sleepy all the time, and have been sleeping excessively. Also i have to pull over when driving and take a nap on the side of the road! That's how sleepy i have been feeling. This is very unusual for me. Also i feel higher levels of anxiety and have very little energy. I have stopped taking the supplement and hope to be feeling back to normal soon. Terrie

How can substances improve your life?

All kinds of substances can improve the quality of your life. For instance if you suffer depression, you may find taking an anti-depressant makes you feel better and improves your life.

How can substances improve your quality life?

All kinds of substances can improve the quality of your life. For instance if you suffer depression, you may find taking an anti-depressant makes you feel better and improves your life.

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What is a dielectric coupling for plumbing connections?

There is NO coupling there is however a nipple or union to prevent electrolytic action from taking place between ferrous and non ferrous metals

Is taking fersolate good in pregnancy?

This is a brand of ferrous sulphate by Glaxo. It was available at extremely low price for years together in India. Ferrous sulphate gives you very important element. That is Iron. Iron is essential for blood formation and needs to be given as a supplement throughout the pregnancy, except perhaps the first trimester.

Is a constant car-sick feeling a withdrawal symptom for Lexapro?

Yes, I stopped taking Lexapro 6 days ago and I started feeling that way about 3 days later and it hasn't gotten better yet.

If you have neuropathy would you walk with a cane And if you are given meds when would you start feeling better?

Some people who have neuropathy do walk with a cane. Taking medications to treat the neuropathy can help you to feel better but there is no cure for it.

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Your monster is feeling a little down, you should try to make it feel better by taking it shopping, playing games, decorating its room.

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Which word is a feeling of satisfaction as in taking in your work?


How does it feel when youre taking ecstasy and taking a shower?

best feeling ever! it feels absolutely amazing.

Why is a patient with tuberculosis often noncompliant with treatment?

Due to the time length of treatment, the patient may stop taking their medication when they start feeling better. It take 12 months to treat.

What are some things drug leads you into?

One thing I know is that it leads to you by you feeling pain,then you take a drug,then you feel better that you end up taking more and more till you umm can die.

Does Zofran help with the nausea from cabergoline?

In my experience, Zofran does help with nausea from cabergoline. About 20 min. after taking Zofran I notice I start feeling better and after about an hour it's almost completely gone.