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Yes, there were. Because of the rapidly flowing water that was filling up the compartments. The captain ordered the bulkhead doors to be closed. People in the boiler rooms and other parts of the ship, like where the cars were stored, had to escape as quickly as possible. Some made it out, some didn't and were locked in the filling up rooms. They also locked third class passagers on the bottom of the ship to make sure that the first and the second class had a lifeboat.

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Q: When the Titanic was sinking were there people locked in the bottom?
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What have people learned from the sinking of the titanic?

to build ships better o.o

What were people doing while the Titanic was sinking?

throghing bunnys and screaming for there lives

How did the sinking of the RMS Titanic affect society?

The sinking of the RMS Titanic extremely affected people around the world because she was supposed to be "unsinkable". Plus, all the lives that were lost affected their family members.

What happend to the three classes while the titanic was sinking?

The titanic is a tragedy known around the world. The titanic hit an ice berg on April 14 1912 at 11:40 the titanic sunk and left 1,517 people dead. The ship was from England to new York city. There were 2,227 people aboard the titanic and almost half were dead. Most of the men died due to the women and children first protocol that was followed. The titanic was built with some of the most advanced technology available at the time. At that time the titanic was called the unsinkable titanic little did they know that nickname wouldn't last for long. The titanic was launched may 31st 1911.first class tickets were 63,204$.when the titanic sank they got to go first cause to the people they paid the most. The features on the titanic were 1st class had a swimming pool, gym and a electric bath.710 people were saved that night. Many people were left behind due to the lack of life boats. When the boat crashed it started to flood and then after all that is started to sink so everyone went to the top and then the boat split in half and sunk. The ship carried life boats for only 1,178 people. Nearby there was a ship when the disaster was happening called the Californian, but when the saw the fireworks they didn't know it was sinking so they went on. When the titanic was sinking the band was still playing , but captain ordered that they play happy cheerful music he didn't want everyone to know that the unsinkable titanic was sinking. For some reason after the titanic sunk millions of shooting stars in the sky. After the morning of the sunk titanic the people that survived were put on another boat called the Carpathian.

How many people were there on the titanic?

there where approximately 2000 people aboard3433

Related questions

How many survivors from the sinking of the RMS Titanic?

There were 706 people that survived the sinking of the RMS Titanic.

How many survivied the sinking of the Titanic?

a total of 706 people survived the sinking of the Titanic on April 14, 1912!

Who made it out of the Titanic?

Out of 2,208 people, 712 survived the sinking of Titanic.

Who was the only person to survive the titanic?

about 700 people survived the Titanic sinking.

How many suvivied the Titanic when it sank?

845 people suvived the sinking of the titanic.

How many people survived on titanic real?

712 people survived the sinking of Titanic, for real.

How many people surived the sinking of the titanic?

about 900

How was the news of the Titanic sinking reported?

I believe, that the news of the titantic sinking was reported first by the ship that rescued the people of the sinking titanic, by responding to SOS to relay the message to others

How many passengers survived in titanic?

Out of 2,208 people, 712 survived the sinking of Titanic.

What 2nd class people survived the sinking of the titanic?

118 people survived in 2nd class on Titanic (42%).

How many sank in the Titanic?

The sinking of the ship RMS Titanic caused the death of 1,502 people.

What ship rescued the people after the titanic sinking?

The S.S Carpathia picked up survivors from the Titanic.