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Q: When the crusaders lost Jerusalem what did saladin do to save their lives?
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When did saladin take Jerusalem in the third crusade?

Saladin took Jerusalem in the Second Crusade, specifically in October of 1187. In the Third Crusade, Saladin started off in control of Jerusalem and Richard the Lionheart abandoned his marches on Jerusalem upon signing the Treaty of Jaffa. As a result, Saladin never lost control of Jerusalem during the Third Crusade and never had to retake it.

How many years passed between the time Christians captured Jerusalem and lost it again?

The Crusaders took Jerusalem in 1099. They lost in 1187. (This is a total of 88 years.)

How did the Crusades effect the Fatimids of Egypt?

It had no initial effect. The Fatimids had already lost Jerusalem and its environs to the Seljuks before the Seljuks lost Jerusalem and its environs to the Crusaders. The Crusades, however, strengthened the Muslim forces' loyalty to Saladin and allowed him to form the Ayyubid Sultanate. The Ayyubid Sultanate was able to conquer the Egyptian Fatimids after the fall of the Crusader States.

How did the Pope and King of the Crusaders react when they found out about Saladin's victory?

This question would, under normal circumstances, be difficult to answer because Saladin won numerous victories against the Crusaders and, in theory, could have prompted different responses. However, this was not the case. King Richard, who was the King of England and who commanded the Crusaders (he was not King of the Crusaders and had no legal standing over German, French, Byzantine, or Italian Crusaders), had a deep appreciation and respect for Saladin. (Saladin also admired and respected King Richard.) As one would imagine, Richard was disappointed, though, whenever he lost to Saladin. The Pope had a consistently negative attitude towards Islam and was both frightened and angered by Saladin's victories as they threatened the vitality and strength of Oriental Christendom.

What was the city Christians won during the Fisrt Crusade but later lost to Saladin?

JERUSALEM qualifies as a city Christians won during the Fisrt Crusade but later lost to Saladin (in the Second Crusade).

How did the Muslims react to the Christian states in the holy land?

The Crusaders took Jerusalem in 1099, and established four crusader states: Kingdom of Jerusalem, County of Edessa, the Principality of Antioch and the County of Tripoli. The Muslims fought back, and in 1144 they re-took Edessa. In 1187 most of the crusader territory was lost to Saladin. The crusaders never recovered the lost territory by military conquest, although there was a brief period, 1228-1244 when Emperor Frederick II was formally king of Jerusalem, whereafter the Muslims regained control of the city.

How did the Muslims react to Christian states in the holy land?

The Crusaders took Jerusalem in 1099, and established four crusader states: Kingdom of Jerusalem, County of Edessa, the Principality of Antioch and the County of Tripoli. The Muslims fought back, and in 1144 they re-took Edessa. In 1187 most of the crusader territory was lost to Saladin. The crusaders never recovered the lost territory by military conquest, although there was a brief period, 1228-1244 when Emperor Frederick II was formally king of Jerusalem, whereafter the Muslims regained control of the city.

How did Saladin win the third crusade?

By not losing Jerusalem; he lost several battles and cities, but held on to the most significant one. Jerusalem was never actually besieged.

Who won the crusaders?

The Crusades were a series of wars waged by Christian Europe to seize Jerusalem and the Holy Land. The Europeans won the First Crusade (1095 - 1099 CE), in which they killed many Muslim and Jewish civilians. However, they lost the following Crusades, particularly thanks to Saladin who reconquered Jerusalem and the Holy Land in 1187 CE.

Was Jerusalem freed during the Crusades?

Yes, during the 1st Crusade it was captured in July 1099, and lost again in 1187 when it was captured by Saladin.

Was Saladin a good leader why or why not?

Yes, Saladin was a good military leader, when fighting against the Crusaders, he besieged and captured Palestine from the Kingdom of Jerusalem, after his success at the Battle of Hattin also known as the Horns of Hattin - where he had strategically battled against the Crusaders and as a result of their victory the Muslims became the most eminent military power in the Holy Land, reconquering Jerusalem.He was also chivalrous as noted even by the Christian chroniclers. Despite him being their nemesis in terms of battle, he won the majority of their respects, including that of Richard the Lionheart, Saladin was a key example of the principles of chivalry.

What year did Jerusalem be captured by the muslims?

jah dinf djf'fd hukum dig'h jerusalm noh inh 1095. Saladin reconquered Jerusalem in 1187, assuming that this question refers to the Crusades. Muslims most recently recaptured Jerusalem in 1948 when they evicted both Jewish and British occupying forces in the city.