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Q: When the distance between the objects decreases the electrical force increase or decreases?
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The magnituide of the gravitational force between two objects will increase if -- the mass of one or both objects increases OR -- the distance between their centers-of-mass decreases.

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a) stays constant b) decreases sharply c) increase d) decreases slightly

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As the distance decreases the attraction increases

If the mass stays the same and distance decreases does the gravity between two objects decrease or increase?

Increases. The closer they are, the harder the pull.

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Describe all the ways that one can increase or decrease the gravitational force between two objects?

There are no known ways to affect the force of gravity. If the masses increase or the distance between the masses decreases the resultant force will increase (and vice versa).

The electric force between two charged objects as the distance between them increases and as the magnitudes of their charges increase.?

When the magnitude of the charges increase definitely electrostatic force also increases. Because the force is directly proportional to the product of their charges. When the distance between them increases then force decreases because the force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the charges.

As the mass of two objects increases how does the gravitational force between the two bodies change?

Gravity is the force of attraction between all masses in the universe.The magnitude of a gravitational force depends onthe masses of the objectsthe distance between the objectsThe gravitational force between two bodies increases as their masses increase.

What happens to force of gravity when the distance between two objects decreases?

As the distance between two objects decreases (i.e. they get closer together), the force of gravity increases.

What is the relationship between magnetic attractive force and distance?

they are inversely related. as the distance increases the magnetic attraction decreases and when the distance decreases the magnetic attraction increases.