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Q: When the fundamental frequency is removed from a complex tone the tone will sound?
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What factors determine the quality of the sound?

Timbre of the sound. It is related to the frequency of the fundamental frequency and a combination of overtones.

What is the fundamental frequency?

For a waveform containing harmonics, the harmonic frequencies are multiples of what is known as the 'fundamental' frequency. For example, for a waveform that contains 'third harmonics', the fundamental frequency is one-third the frequency of the harmonics. The fundamental frequency of vocal folds the speech mechanism as sound generator.

What is the overtone series?

The overtone series is a series of frequencies that are integer multiples of the fundamental frequency of a sound. When a musical instrument produces a note, it actually produces a complex waveform that includes the fundamental frequency and various overtones. These overtones give each instrument its unique tone color or timbre.

What does the pitch of a sound wave depend on?

Timbre of the sound. It is related to the frequency of the fundamental frequency and a combination of overtones.

What is the measurement unit of sound?

frequency or velocity of sound.add. One measures the intensity (loudness) of sound in decibels dB.Harmonic Distortion is a measure of the frequencies in the sound complex other than the fundamental or original notes.

If a person sings higher the sound has a greater?

The tone has a higher fundamental frequency.

What causes pitch to change?

Every sound vibrates with a particular fundamental frequency. When you change the wavelength of a sound, you change the pitch of a sound.

When referring to sound waves what does harmonics mean?

Harmonics are multiples of the fundamental frequency of the wave.

Does a High pitched sound has a high number of partial tones?

Not neccessarily, pitch depends on the fundamental frequency. The number of partial tones is independent from fundamental frequency, and, roughly speaking, determines the timbre of the sound (through variables like spectral balance, for example).

How are overtones created?

An overtone is a natural resonance or vibration frequency of a system. Systems described by overtones are often sound systems, for example, blown pipes or plucked strings. If such a system is excited, a number of sound frequencies may be produced, including a fundamental tone of given frequency. An integer multiple of the fundamental frequency is called a harmonic. The second overtone is not the second harmonic. (See related link "Calculations of Harmonics and Overtones from Fundamental Frequency")

What fundamental characteristics of the sound produced by a tuning fork depends on its frequency?

The characteristics that determine the frequency with which a tuning fork will vibrate are the length and mass of the tines.

What is the frequency of the sound wave is?

The frequency of a sound wave is the characteristic of the wave that gives rise to the sensation of pitch, assuming that the wave is not so complex that it is perceived as white noise.