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If cardiac arrest lasts longer than three to four minutes, there usually will be generalized damage to the brain. The prompt initiation of CPR certainly makes a huge difference in ensuring that the brain gets an adequate supply of blood and oxygen.

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Q: When the heart stops Brain Death will occur within?
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Is brain death a sudden event or a gradual process?

Brain death can occur suddenly as in the case of trauma to the brain tissue or over time- such as when the brain tissue begins to die from lack of oxygen. An example of this could be heart failure.

Do feelings of affection occur in your heart?

No, they occur in your brain.

Where does red neurons occur in brain injury?

It can occur anywhere in the brain. Where ever there is ischemic injury, necrosis and inflammation occur which cause death of neurons = "red neurons". It is usually seen within 12-48 hours after an ischemic event ie. thrombosis or embolism.

Where does oxygenation within the heart occur?

in my nob

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Death or permanent debilitation follows herniation of the brain stem.Such herniation will cause compression of those structures within the brain stem that control the most vital functions of the body (breathing, heart beat, consciousness).

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in the skeletal muscle ,heart and brain

How long does it take for brain death to occur?

Depends.. If a person dies in a cold climate, the amount of time for the brain to die can slow down some, but the usual amount of time for brain death to occur is anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes

What happens if you have untreated hypoglycemia?

It could lead to sever damages in the retna, leg and feet, brain damages, or if heart problems and or asthmatic death could occur. If you do not have diabetes and you are in the ages younger that 20 you have higher risks of the damages and or death.

How does control of the heart beat occur?

the Sino Atrial Node (SA Node) is the pace maker of the heart that receives singles from the brain.

What does alcohol do in the cerebral cortex?

There are several steps that occur when drinking alcohol and the length of time over when the drinking occurs. 1. Alcohol affects the forebrain. The brain relaxes. This is the CEO of the brain. But poor decisions can be made and motor functions are also affected depending on the amount and time. 2. Further drinking shuts down the mid-brain and emotions are out of control. Fights occur, crying, etc. 3. Even more drinking shuts down the brain stem and heart rate drops, complete loss of consciousness can occur and even death.

The loss of which organ results in the fastest death?

The removal of the brain results in the fastest death. Although there are many ways of facilitating death (shooting, poisoning, infection, gassing etc), all deaths are the result of full loss of brain function. Loss of brain function can occur from: - direct damage to the brain: infection, disease or trauma such as shooting or crushing; or - loss of oxygen to the brain: blood loss via injury or shock, blockage to vessels, failure to pump oxygen (heart failure or poisoning).

What complications can occur when mastoiditis is allowed to advance?

These include an infection of the tissues covering the brain and spinal cord (meningitis ), a pocket of infection within the brain (abscess), or an abscess within the muscles of the neck.