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The Moon does not orbit the Sun; it orbits the Earth. The Earth orbits the Sun.

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Q: When the moon rotates around the sun what happens to the moon?
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Does the moon or the sun move?

Answer 1) They all move. But the moon moves around the earth which goes around the sun which is spinning.Answer 2) Both move. The sun rotates on a fixed point. The moon rotates arounds a fixed point and also rotates around the Earth.

Does the moon rotate around earth?

No The moon roates around the earth. The earth rotates around the sun within the solar system.

Which one of these do not move Sun Moon Earth?

Actually all moves. The sun rotates on its axis. The earth rotates on its axis and revolves around the Sun. The moon revolves around the earth

How many days moon take to rotate around the sun?

It rotates around Earth not the sun.

Are the phases of the moon caused by the positions of the earth and moon?

Yes. The earth rotates around the sun. The moon rotates around the earth. What make the moon bright is sun light reflecting off its surface. When the moon is full, the side that is facing the earth is also facing the sun, thus the entire moon is lit. As the moon rotates around the earth, the side facing the earth turns away from the sun and isn't illuminated as fully; the moon moves to the next phase.

How do the moon sun and earth move as a system in terms of rotation and revolution?

The Sun stays still while the Earth rotates on its axis while revolving around the Sun. The Moon rotates on its axis while revolving around the Earth.

How does the Moon's revolution cause different phases of the moon?

The moon rotates around the earth while earth rotates around the sun. The moon's lighted side always points to the sun. The moon's revolution affects this because as the moon revolves it shows different sides t the earth.

Does a comment orbit the sun?

Yes. The moon is a crater and it rotates around the earth.

Is the sun a satillite or a planetWhy?

a planet because other masses rotate around it. a satellite rotates around another mass, ie: our moon rotates around us, making the moon our satellite. the sun doesn't rotate around other masses making it a planet

Why so many eclipeses?

Because the earth rotates around the sun, and the Moon rotates around the Earth, so we are constantly changing our position as we rotate.

How fast the moon rotates around the sun?

The Moon orbits the Earth, so, because the Earth makes a full orbit around the Sun once every 365.25 days, the Moon does as well.

Why isn't the sun blue and the moon red?

Because the moon rotates around the sun and not the other way around. The sun is made up of fire ( therefore red) and the moon space dust so it's blue.