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Q: When the president and congress begin to create a budget for the coming year they must make some key determinations. What are the three things they must determine?
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What does it mean when the constitutution says the president can recommend a budget to congress?

When the Constitution states that the president can recommend a budget to Congress, it means that the president has the authority to propose a budget plan outlining how the federal government should allocate its financial resources. However, the president does not have the power to directly implement the budget; that decision lies with Congress, which has the ultimate authority to determine and pass the federal budget.

Where in the constitution does it say a president can propose the budget?

The president's budget proposal is just a suggestion. The president has no power to set the budget, determine tax rates or authorize expenditures without the approval of Congress. Article II section 3 says that the president shall recommend to the consideration of Congress such measures as seem necessary and expedient. The budget would fall under that category.

Responsibility for budget preparation rests with who?

The budget is the responsibility of Congress. The president can make proposals but Congress does not have to follow them them.

What must happen before a presidents budget can be put into action?

Before a president's budget can be put into action, it must go through a series of steps. First, the president submits the budget proposal to Congress. Then, Congress reviews and analyzes the budget, making changes and adjustments as needed. After the budget is finalized and approved by both chambers of Congress, it is signed into law by the president. Only then can the budget be implemented and funds allocated accordingly.

What office helps the president make a balanced budget?

The president proposes the budget to congress, but congress must approve it.

What is the Sequence for approval for the federal budget?

from the president to congress back to the president.

Why do congress has to approve the president buget?

The Congress has to approve the president's budget to provide checks and balances where necessary.

Who approves budget for federal bureaucracy?

According to the US Constitution, Congress has "the power of the purse". This means that Congress approves the budget submitted by the President. It's one of the checks and balances built into the Constitution to ensure that one branch doesn't hold too much power.

Who does the federal budget begin with?

as a proposal by the president to Congress

Who makes the budget for the government?

The US Congress creates the budget and then submits it for approval to the President.

Sort the statements below into the correct order in which the federal budget is prepared.?

The president gives a proposed budget to Congress. Congress decides on the details of the budget. The president signs spending bills into law. . The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the president prepare a proposed budget. Congress decides on the overall level of spending and taxation and passes specific spending bills. The president signs various spending bills into law.

What branch of government may refuse the president's budget?
