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When two light bulbs are in place, there will be a circuit created where electricity can flow through both bulbs. If the circuit is intact and the bulbs are functioning, they will both light up. If one of the bulbs is faulty or the circuit is broken, then both bulbs may not light up.

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Q: When the two bulbs are in placewhat happens?
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What happens when you unscrew a light bulb in a circuit with two bulbs?

The second bulb will also turn off since removing one bulb breaks the circuit, disrupting the flow of electricity to both bulbs. The circuit needs to be complete for electricity to flow and illuminate the bulbs.

Will a circuit with two light bulbs in series light up?

Yes, a circuit with two light bulbs connected in series can light up. Current flows through the first light bulb, then through the second, allowing both bulbs to illuminate. If one bulb burns out, however, both bulbs will go out.

What happens to to the speed of a motor if i increase or decrease the number of bulbs in a circit?

If you increase the number of bulbs in a circuit, the resistance in the circuit will increase, causing the motor's speed to decrease. If you decrease the number of bulbs, the resistance in the circuit will decrease, causing the motor's speed to increase.

What happens to the voltage as more bulbs are added in series?

The voltage in a series circuit is divided among the bulbs, so as more bulbs are added in series, each bulb receives less voltage. This causes the brightness of each bulb to decrease compared to when fewer bulbs are present.

When two light bulbs are connected in series the?

When two light bulbs are connected in series, the total voltage of the circuit is divided between the two bulbs, resulting in each bulb receiving less voltage than if they were connected individually. This reduces the brightness of both bulbs compared to when they are connected individually.

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The two bulbs are in place what happens?

the one is not light

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As a series circuit, as asked, all bulbs will go off because of that just one bulb.

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What happens when you unscrew a light bulb in a circuit with two bulbs?

The second bulb will also turn off since removing one bulb breaks the circuit, disrupting the flow of electricity to both bulbs. The circuit needs to be complete for electricity to flow and illuminate the bulbs.

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current in series always stays the same

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The other bulb remain to glow with same intensity.

What happens to the filament when light bulbs blows?

The filament breaks.

What happens to the voltages across the light bulbs in a parallel circuit change as more light bulbs are added to the circuit?


Why are two bulbs in parallel bright when you build a parallel circuit with two bulbs a one d- cell battery?

Two bulbs in parallel are brighter than the same two bulbs in series, given the same potential voltage, because there is twice the available voltage to each bulb.

Can a circuit have two bulbs and a buzzer?

Of course. The circuit in my house has two door buzzers and almost 30 bulbs.