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It may be just a simple sprain and will improve to normal with much rest.

It may be a meniscus tear (torn cartilage), ligament tear.

The injury can be explained as a nail tip breaking but not breaking off fully, and remains connected/dangling, and will be painful when it catches on something.

When the knee is quickly rotated, a piece of cartilage may break, remain connected, and dangle. The indication that this tear took place is knee pain is felt immediately, followed by knee swelling, and degrees of loss of knee/leg function.

Sudden, sharp pains will continue to be felt, resulting when the now dangling/broken piece of cartilage lodges itself in the joint of the knee, and causing joint displacement, difficulty to placing any weight/pressure onto the joint, and highly painful when attempting to walk until the dangling piece of cartilage moves, and then allowing the joint to go back into place. The body's ability to heal itself and surgery can repair a torn meniscus and specific exercise can rehabilitate the knee to normal movement again.

Until a professional diagnosis is sought, a lot of rest should be given to the injured area. The above is my understanding and my opinion, and in no way should be used in place of a medical diagnosis.

Submitted by conniejersey 11-3-07 This might be true yet you'd better get it checked out. When i was younger around 6 i complaind of having pain in the back of my knee. After a while of this my parents decided to take me to a docter. It turns out that i had a unicameral bonsist. There was a liquid that was pretty much eating away at my bone. It greatly weakened it and i have had to go in for 7 operations to get it curred. One time because of the cist the bone snapped. it is a serious condition that could be developing in you . It is more likely in younger people, yet still could happen. To be on the safe side get it checked out.

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Q: When turning to go up stairs something hurt in the back of your knee and now it only hurts when you put weight on your leg and it hurts so much you can't walk on the leg what do you thin k the cause i?
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