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Q: When two mutents have the same phenotype vcross would b when to morton's have the same phenotypwere crossed the progeny obtained showed wild type phenotype. thus the mutations are?
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When the phenotype of two alleles are blended what are they called?

The blending of the phenotype of the parents in the offspring is known as incomplete. colors of flowers can show incomplete dominance if a red flower is crossed with a white flower and their offspring are pink.

Is it true that some mutations happen by chance?

well you see as the mutations occur the moluces back down under the surfce then yo mama cums all over your face and that why the chicken crossed the road...! now have you seen a bubble bee with a futon riding a bicycle?

Explain the difference between intermediate inheritance and codominance?

In codominance, neither phenotype is recessive. Instead, the heterozygous individual expresses bothphenotypes. Intermediate inheritance is when neither allele is dominant to another, but a mixture is produced in the 2 alleles present. A mixed phenotype is given that is between the two parents phenotype .e.g Red flowers (RR) crossed with white flowers (WW) produces pink flowers (RW).

How many alleles influence a phenotype in incomplete dominance?

A trait that exhibits incomplete dominance, is one in which the heterozygous offspring will have a phenotype that is a blend between the two parent organisms. An example of this is when a homozygous red sweet pea flower crossed with a homozygous white sweet pea flower, their offspring will be heterozygous and have the pink phenotype, rather than either red or white. So, the homozygous red flower will be red, the homozygous white flower will be white, and the heterozygous flower will be pink. So there are three possible phenotypes in incomplete dominance. There are also no dominant or recessives genotypes.

What is the genotype of a four o clock flower?

If you cross a red 4 O'clock with a white 4 O'clock, the phenotype will be pink This is because red has incomplete dominance over white, so the alleles blend. If yellow is crossed with white, the flowers are always yellow.

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When two mutants having same phenotype is crossed the progeny obtained is wild type mutant these mutations are?

They obtain the gene but follow the dominant one. They will act like one of the mutant, won't act wild if their parents aren't wild.

In a testcross an organism with a dominant phenotype but unknown genotype is crossed with what to establish its genotype?

homozygous recessive

A homozygous violet flowered pea plant is crossed with a homozygous with flowered pea plant. If the violet color is dominant (V), what is the genotype and phenotype of the F1 generation?

What is the genotype and phenotype of the F1 generation

When the phenotype of two alleles are blended what are they called?

The blending of the phenotype of the parents in the offspring is known as incomplete. colors of flowers can show incomplete dominance if a red flower is crossed with a white flower and their offspring are pink.

Is it true that some mutations happen by chance?

well you see as the mutations occur the moluces back down under the surfce then yo mama cums all over your face and that why the chicken crossed the road...! now have you seen a bubble bee with a futon riding a bicycle?

Explain the difference between intermediate inheritance and codominance?

In codominance, neither phenotype is recessive. Instead, the heterozygous individual expresses bothphenotypes. Intermediate inheritance is when neither allele is dominant to another, but a mixture is produced in the 2 alleles present. A mixed phenotype is given that is between the two parents phenotype .e.g Red flowers (RR) crossed with white flowers (WW) produces pink flowers (RW).

When traits are inherited in an incomplete dominance pattern what is true about the phenotype of the heterozygotes?

A trait that exhibits incomplete dominance, is one in which the heterozygous offspring will have a phenotype that is a blend between the two parent organisms. An example of this is when a homozygous red sweet pea flower crossed with a homozygous white sweet pea flower, their offspring will be heterozygous and have the pink phenotype, rather than either red or white.

How do dominant and recessive alleles affect pheno type?

An allele can effect the phenotype of an organism by its dominance or recessiveness. If two dominant alleles are crossed the offsprings will carry the dominant trait of the alleles. If a dominant allele is crossed with recessive allele the phenotype of the offsprings will be of that of the dominant allele. And if two recessive alleles are crossed the phenotype of their offsprings will carry the reccesive trait.

A short-haired guinea pig is crossed with a long-haired guinea pig. All of the F1 offspring from the cross are short-haired.Which phenotype is dominantA. long hairB. short hairC. SSD. ss?


The F1 offspring of Mendel's classic pea cross always looked like opne of the two parental varieties because?

Because Mendel crossed two pure-breeding plants. One being homozygous dominant and one being homozygous recessive. All of the progeny ended up being heterozygous, causing them to take on the dominant phenotype and look like the homozygous dominant parent.

What ratio of genotypes and phenotypes are found after two heterozygous indivividual are crossed for a trait of earlobes?

Genotypes (phenotype) 25% homozygous dominant (free earlobes) 25% homozygous recessive (attached earlobes) 50% heterozygous (free earlobes) 75% phenotypically dominant (free earlobes) 25% phenotyically recessive (attached earlobes) Ratios Genotype 1:1:2 Phenotype 3:1

A homozygous blue flower BB is crossed with a homozygous white flower bb What are the possible genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring?

Assuming there is no co-dominance or partial dominance, the result would be that 100% of the offspring would be blue, heterozygous flowers with the phenotype Bb.