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Genotypes (phenotype)

25% homozygous dominant (free earlobes)

25% homozygous recessive (attached earlobes)

50% heterozygous (free earlobes)

75% phenotypically dominant (free earlobes)

25% phenotyically recessive (attached earlobes)


Genotype 1:1:2

Phenotype 3:1

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Q: What ratio of genotypes and phenotypes are found after two heterozygous indivividual are crossed for a trait of earlobes?
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If both of the parents have attached earlobes what is their genotype?

The phenotypes of attached and unattached earlobes do not fit neatly into the Mendelian theory of two alleles for one trait, and there is a continuum of earlobe phenotypes. That said, unattached earlobes are a dominant trait, so if the individual is homozygous for unattached earlobes, all of her offspring will have the unattached phenotype, even if some or all of them are heterozygous.

In humans the allele for free hanging earlobes is dominant over the one for attached earlobes What are the possible genotypes of a person with free hanging earlobes?

50%. Heterozygous means that there is two different traits inside of the gene. Therefore you have (aa) for the free earlobes and the other individual with attached (Aa). Drawing a Punnett square you get (aa) in two different spots, creating 50% probability.

Both you and your sister or bother have attached earlobes yet your parents have unattached earlobes unattached earlobes are dominant over attached earlobes what are the genotypes of your parents?

the gene is not shown in their chara ter

Is it possible to have attached earlobes if both of your parents have unattached earlobes?

Yes it is your possibility if the parents were both heterozygous(having different alleles) or hybrid with Aa and Aa, the genotypic ratio would be 1:2:1 so if you put it in a punnet square there is a 25% chance of AA, 50% chance of Aa and 25% chance of aa.

What is the difference between phenotypes and genotypes?

Genotype are the unseen differences in genetic combinations of an individual. Phenotypes are the expressed and seen differences of an individual.A genotype is the genetic makeup of an organism with reference to a single trait, set of traits, or an entire complex of trait; that is, genotype is the type of genes you have. A phenotype is the physical characteristic of an organism. So the genotype decides the genetics and inherited traits of an organism, but phenotypes refer to the actual display of these traits. Genotypes are decided by inherited genes, while phenotypes are determined by the effect of environmental factors as well. The more complex a biological process, the more is the effect of environmental factors on it and therefore the chances of a predominant phenotype.For example, say recessive allele t codes for albinism (a congenital disorder) and dominant allele T is normal. Two individuals have different genotypes: TT and Tt. Because they both have an allele T, neither have albinism; therefore, they have different genotypes but the same phenotype. An individual with a genotype tt would have albinism and would therefore have a different phenotype than the previous two.Another example: Identical twins have the same genes and the same genotype. Every now and then a gene in one of the twins will be expressed differently from the gene in the other twin. They will have different phenotypes. So phenotype is a fancy word used when a gene works one way under certain conditions and a different way under other conditions.An easy way to remember that (from what I've learned from my science teacher) is to think "Pheno" as "Photo", like if you take a picture, you'll only be able to see the outside of somebody; what they look like..In more detail:Take alleles R and r. If R and R display a "complete dominance" relationship, then RR , Rr, and rr are different genotypes, but two are the same phenotype. RR and Rr display the same trait because R is completelycovering up r's trait, but rr will show the recessive trait.EX: A flower with R as a red trait and r as a white trait has the following phenotypes for each genotype:RR: redRr: redrr: whiteAdditional information:If R and r display a "codominance" relationship, then RR, Rr, and rr are different genotypes and phenotypes. RR shows the dominant trait, while rr shows the recessive trait. Rr shows a combination of the two, as if the two were dominating cooperatively.EX: A flower with R as a red trait and r as a white trait has the following phenotypes for each genotype:RR: redRr: red and whiterr: whiteIf R and r display a "incomplete dominance" or "incomplete inheritance" relationship, then RR, Rr, and rr are different genotypes and phenotypes. RR shows the dominant trait, while rr shows the recessive trait. Rr shows when R incompletely dominates r, allowing some of its qualities show. EX: A flower with R as a red trait and r as a white trait has the following phenotypes for each genotype:RR: redRr: pinkrr: white

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If both of the parents have attached earlobes what is their genotype?

The phenotypes of attached and unattached earlobes do not fit neatly into the Mendelian theory of two alleles for one trait, and there is a continuum of earlobe phenotypes. That said, unattached earlobes are a dominant trait, so if the individual is homozygous for unattached earlobes, all of her offspring will have the unattached phenotype, even if some or all of them are heterozygous.

What is the phenotype of a man who has 2 parents with free hanging earlobes if one parent is homozygous and the other parent is heteroygous... what are his possible genotypes?

The possible genotypes HH and Hh. 50% homozygous for hanging earlobes (HH), and 50% heterozygous for hanging earlobes (Hh).

What is the probability of having a child with attached earlobes when an individual with attached earlobes mates with an individual heterozygous for free earlobes?

Attached earlobes are a recessive trait. When one parent has attached earlobes and the other is heterozygous for free earlobes, the chances of any particular offspring having attached earlobes is fifty percent.

In humans the allele for free hanging earlobes is dominant over the one for attached earlobes What are the possible genotypes of a person with free hanging earlobes?

50%. Heterozygous means that there is two different traits inside of the gene. Therefore you have (aa) for the free earlobes and the other individual with attached (Aa). Drawing a Punnett square you get (aa) in two different spots, creating 50% probability.

Both you and your sister or bother have attached earlobes yet your parents have unattached earlobes unattached earlobes are dominant over attached earlobes what are the genotypes of your parents?

the gene is not shown in their chara ter

A child is born with attached earlobes but both parents have hanging earlobes. What are the genotypes and phenottypes fot the parents?

lets use "A" Aa and Aa aa

What are the Genotypes for free and fixed ear lobes in human beings?

There are none. Earlobes fuse to the head during the development stages of a baby

Is it possible to have attached earlobes if both of your parents have unattached earlobes?

Yes it is your possibility if the parents were both heterozygous(having different alleles) or hybrid with Aa and Aa, the genotypic ratio would be 1:2:1 so if you put it in a punnet square there is a 25% chance of AA, 50% chance of Aa and 25% chance of aa.

What is the difference between phenotypes and genotypes?

Genotype are the unseen differences in genetic combinations of an individual. Phenotypes are the expressed and seen differences of an individual.A genotype is the genetic makeup of an organism with reference to a single trait, set of traits, or an entire complex of trait; that is, genotype is the type of genes you have. A phenotype is the physical characteristic of an organism. So the genotype decides the genetics and inherited traits of an organism, but phenotypes refer to the actual display of these traits. Genotypes are decided by inherited genes, while phenotypes are determined by the effect of environmental factors as well. The more complex a biological process, the more is the effect of environmental factors on it and therefore the chances of a predominant phenotype.For example, say recessive allele t codes for albinism (a congenital disorder) and dominant allele T is normal. Two individuals have different genotypes: TT and Tt. Because they both have an allele T, neither have albinism; therefore, they have different genotypes but the same phenotype. An individual with a genotype tt would have albinism and would therefore have a different phenotype than the previous two.Another example: Identical twins have the same genes and the same genotype. Every now and then a gene in one of the twins will be expressed differently from the gene in the other twin. They will have different phenotypes. So phenotype is a fancy word used when a gene works one way under certain conditions and a different way under other conditions.An easy way to remember that (from what I've learned from my science teacher) is to think "Pheno" as "Photo", like if you take a picture, you'll only be able to see the outside of somebody; what they look like..In more detail:Take alleles R and r. If R and R display a "complete dominance" relationship, then RR , Rr, and rr are different genotypes, but two are the same phenotype. RR and Rr display the same trait because R is completelycovering up r's trait, but rr will show the recessive trait.EX: A flower with R as a red trait and r as a white trait has the following phenotypes for each genotype:RR: redRr: redrr: whiteAdditional information:If R and r display a "codominance" relationship, then RR, Rr, and rr are different genotypes and phenotypes. RR shows the dominant trait, while rr shows the recessive trait. Rr shows a combination of the two, as if the two were dominating cooperatively.EX: A flower with R as a red trait and r as a white trait has the following phenotypes for each genotype:RR: redRr: red and whiterr: whiteIf R and r display a "incomplete dominance" or "incomplete inheritance" relationship, then RR, Rr, and rr are different genotypes and phenotypes. RR shows the dominant trait, while rr shows the recessive trait. Rr shows when R incompletely dominates r, allowing some of its qualities show. EX: A flower with R as a red trait and r as a white trait has the following phenotypes for each genotype:RR: redRr: pinkrr: white

What are some questions about condensation?

its earlobes earlobes are always the answer

Earlobes can be either attached or detached. The allele for attached earlobes is recessive and the allele for detached earlobes is dominant. What must be true is a boy is born with attached earlobes?

He has a homozygous genotype

What is the ratio of free earlobes to attached earlobes?
