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Q: When two search terms are connected with the AND Boolean operator the number of results (hits) will generally?
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What are the disadvantage of operator overloading?

The only disadvantage of operator overloading is when it is used non-intuitively. All operators must behave with predictable results, thus it makes no sense to implement the plus (+) operator so that it behaves like a subtract (-) operator, or a multiply (*) operator, or indeed anything other than the intuitive sum of two objects.

Which operator is called ternary operator?

A ternary operator is an operator that requires three operands, as opposed to a binary operator that requires two operands and a unary operator that requires just one operand. C++ has just one ternary operator, the conditional ternary operator: <boolean expression> ? <expression #1> : <expression #2>; If the boolean expression evaluates true, the first expression is evaluated, otherwise the second expression is evaluated. A typical usage of this operator is to return the larger (or smaller) of two values of type T: template<typename T> T max (T a, T b) {return a<b ? b : a}; template<typename T> T min (T a, T b) {return a<b ? a : b}; These are really nothing more than notational shorthand for the following: template<typename T> T max (T a, T b) {if (a<b) return b; else return a; }; template<typename T> T min (T a, T b) {if (a<b) return a; else return b;}; However, because ternary expressions are evaluated, the return value of the expression can be used in more complex expressions: int a=42, b=0; // ... int c = ((a>b ? a : b) = 1); In the above expression, whichever is the larger of a and b will be assigned the value 1 which will also be assigned to c. Thus a and c become 1 while b remains 0.

How do you write a program to demonstrate boolean operators in C plus plus?

#include#includeclass A{public:A(std::string desc,double price):m_desc(desc),m_price(price){}A(const A& rhs):m_desc(rhs.m_desc),m_price(rhs.m_price){}A& operator= (const A& rhs){ m_desc=rhs.m_desc; m_price=rhs.m_price; }const bool operator== (const A& rhs) const { return(m_desc==rhs.m_desc && m_price==rhs.m_price);}const bool operator!= (const A& rhs) const { return(m_desc!=rhs.m_desc && m_price!=rhs.m_price);}static void compare(const A& a, const A& b);friend std::ostream& operator

Why ternary operator is not overloaded?

The ternary operator (known as the conditional operator in C++) cannot be overloaded because it is impossible to pass a test operand and two expression operands (either or both of which may be comma-separated) to a function. You can only pass values or references as arguments to a function. Even if it were possible, built-in functions and operators that rely on the conditional operator would likely break. Like all the other operators that cannot be overloaded (sizeof, typeid, ::, . and .*) the results must always be predictable because built-in operators and functions rely on them so heavily.

What is the importance of overloading and overriding?

The only disadvantage of operator overloading is when it is used non-intuitively. All operators must behave with predictable results, thus it makes no sense to implement the plus (+) operator so that it behaves like a subtract (-) operator, or a multiply (*) operator, or indeed anything other than the intuitive sum of two objects.

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What is the difference between bit wise operator and logic operator?

The logic operator provides boolean results of combinations of other boolean expression, some of which might be relational expressions. For example... bool result = (a < 3) && (b > 4); The bitwise operator provides the same kind of boolean logic, AND, OR, and NOT, but it does it to the correspondingly ranks bits in one or two integers. For example ... int result = (a & 0xff) | (!b);

What are the number of results from Boolean?

The number of results you can get from a Boolean is two. You can either have a statement be true or false. this is because Boolean data is the result of conditional statements, which can be either true or false.

What is an example of a boolean operator?

BUT (apex)

Which boolean operator limits your search?

All of them can limit your search. Here are the meanings of all of them: AND: Find results that only contain both words OR: Find results that contain either (or both) words NOT: Do not find results that contain a word XOR: Find results that contain either (but not both) words

What type of search term is network AND secur?

The search term "network AND secur" is an example of a Boolean search using the operator 'AND'. It indicates that search results must include both terms, "network" and "security", to be retrieved.

Difference between relational and logical operators?

Logical operators don't Compare values they combine Boolean values and produce a Boolean result. Examples of logical operators are && (and), , (or), ! (not). If you have two Boolean values and you combined them with the && operator the result will be (TRUE) only if both values were (TRUE). Relational operators compare two values and produce a Boolean result. Most of the time we use logical operators to combine the results of two or more comparison expressions that use relational operators.

Which boolean search would return the most useful results?

Using AND

What advanced searching technique is correctly used in the search statement toddler AND Montessori school?

The advanced searching technique correctly used in the search statement "toddler AND Montessori school" is the Boolean operator "AND." This operator ensures that search results include both the term "toddler" and the term "Montessori school" in the documents retrieved.

How are boolean search strategies and other search filters useful?

They narrow the search results

What does Boolean operators mean?

Boolean operators are used in search engines and databases to refine search queries. The main Boolean operators are AND, OR, and NOT. AND narrows the search results by requiring all keywords to be present, OR broadens the search results by finding any of the keywords, and NOT excludes specific keywords from the search results.

What is the importance of boolean algebra to computer students?

Boolean algebra is the very basis for all of computing. Boolean algebra results in only 2 answers, true or false. To computers, these are represented by 0 and 1. This creates the binary system, which is how all computers operate.

Which advanced searching technique is correctly used in the search statement toddler AND Montessori school?

The advanced searching technique used in the search statement "toddler AND Montessori school" is Boolean operator "AND," which instructs the search engine to retrieve results that contain both keywords "toddler" and "Montessori school." This ensures that the search results are more specific and relevant to the user's query.