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Hampton Court didn't belong to Henry, it belonged to a Cardinal of the Catholic Church in the Reformation Henry claimed it his own.

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Q: When was King Henrys Hampton court palace made?
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Where was King Edward VI born?

Hampton Court Palace, near London

When was Hampton castel built?

Hampton Court Palace was originally built for Cardinal Wolsey, a favourite of King Henry VIII, around 1514. In 1529, when Wolsey and the king fell out of favour, the palace was given to the King, who enlarged it.

What sport did Henry VII play at Hampton court?

Work on Turning Hampton Court into a Royal Palace did not start until after King Henry VII died.

Why did Wolsey give Henry VIII Hampton Court Palace?

Because Henry was the King and he wanted it.

Who did King Henry the VIII marry in Hampton court palace?

His sixth wife, Catherine Parr.

Who first lived in Hampton court palace?

Thomas Wolsey, the later Cardinal was the first to live in Hampton Court Palace, he had acquired preceeding buildings and built the Palace complex itself. After his fall from grace and shortly before his death he lost the Palace to King Henry VIII..

Why did King Henry own a court?

If you are refering to Henry the V111ths favourite Palace 'Hampton Court' in Weybridge, Surrey, It was not a court for legal proceedings, but a Royal Court like Buckingham Palace today

Why Hampton Court Palace was built?

Hampton Court Palace was originally built for Cardinal Wolsey, a favorite of King Henry VIII. After he fell from favor, the palace was passed to the King. The following century, William III began a massive expansion project on the palace. Work was halted mid-way, leaving the palace with two distinctive styles.

What part of England did king Henry live in?

Henry VIII lived in Hampton Court Palace in London, England.

Was the maze at Hampton court palace when Henry VIII was king?

The current maze at Hampton Court Palace was planted by Henry Wise and George London, for King William III, around 1689 and 1695. This design may have replaced a maze planted previously for Cardinal Wolsey (1471 - 1530).

Where is the dungeon at Hampton court palace?

This may surprise you but there isn't actually a dungeon at Hampton court. But really it is perfectly logical. Why would the king of England want criminals in his house? I mean they could escape and kill him or anything.

What rooms were there at Hampton court palace?

The historic Hampton Court Palace has numerous rooms. The larger rooms are for the main courts. This includes the first or base court, the clock court, The Closter Green court, and the chapel court. Other large rooms included the Great Hall, King Edmund's closet, the chapel, and the King's and Queen's apartments. Other numerous rooms, too many to mention, would include several kitchens, smaller courts and apartments for royalty and guests.