

When was poison gas first made?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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How Stuff Works. "How Biological and Chemical Warfare Works." 2002. <>(10 January 2003). Roman Legions regularly used burning sulphur (SO2, SO3, H2S, H2SO4(in rain/fog) to at least irritate, incapacitate, or at best, kill enemies in immobile situations; fortified towns, settlements against geographic barriers; islands, cliffs, bodies of water, etc. Opinions differ as to whether the Legions developed poison gas themselves, or if their own survivors/allies reported how to use it after hard experience. Similarly, opinions differ about the logistics and practicality of raw sulphur transport, and the (un)liklihood of a somewhat bulky(and nasty)materiel being cheerfully carried by a notoriously lightly-packed Legionnaire. It is possible that free, native, naturally-occurring sulphur deposits were scouted, as would have been other staples, like water, wood, game, etc., and if present, utilized, from a point upwind any immovable objective.

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It was the Germans and it was Chlorine Gas

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Poison gas is brought into WWI by the Germans. Both sides used gas, although the Germans were the first to use poison gas

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Poison gas was first used during this battle

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No. Poison gas was first used in World War 1.

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Poison gas was first used by the Germans at Second Battle of Ypres during the First World War.

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the poison gas was used because it makes people suffer first then die. it also doesn't leave a fingerprint

When was the first use of poison gas?

April 22. 1915 at Ypres, Belgium

First used poison gas was the allies or cnetral powers?

I said so

In which battle did the German forces first use poison gas?

Battle of Somme