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Q: When was the Archaic style of Greek Sculpture Developed?
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What are the three phases of Greek sculpture?

Severe Style, the high classical style, fourth century style.

What was his style of paintingsculpture developed by M.C. Escher?

Not painting, not sculpture, graphics.

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What was the style of sculpture the Romans adopted from the Greek called?

the type of sculpture adopted from the greeks is called realistic. U R Welcome!

Which period or style of Greek sculpture represents the Greeks' first attempts at carving stone?

Archiac Period

Difference in Greek idealism and Roman realism?

The Greeks used idealism in sculpture, representing people perfectly. That is when you see canon of proportions, and figures such as Doryphorus. This style, however, developed into realism, which is closer to an honest depiction of an individual.

What is archaic style?

An "archaic style" is an old, or old fashioned style that, while acceptable, is no longer regularly or frequently used.

How is the philosophy of humanism reflected in Donatello and sculpture David?

it's style was influenced by ancient Greek and Roman sculptures

How did Africa influence Greece?

Greek art and architecture developed from the Egyptian style.

How did the Romans copy greek?

The form of Greek art the Romans emulated the most was sculpture. This started in the first century BC when they made full bodied statues. Prior to that Roman sculpture was sculptural portraiture (busts) which they themselves had developed. The Romans made copies of full bodied statues of the important Hellenistic sculptors and based their statues on the Hellenistic style. Hellenistic art is the Greek art style from Alexander the Great's conquest of Persian Empire in the 330s and 320s BC on.

Briefly describe Egyptian art and society?

ancient egptian art refers to the style of painting,sculpture,crafts and architecture developed by the civilization.

How are greek art and roman art similar?

Greek and Roman sculpture were similar. During the period of the Roman Republic Roman sculpture was portraiture (busts). With the establishment of rule by emperors the Romans adopted full body statues modelled on the Hellenistic style of the Greeks. The Romans adopted the three Greek orders (styles) for building columns: Doric, Ionic and Corinthian.