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We don't know when the first gladiator fight took place, but it is thought that it was held in the Italian area of Campania by the locals, to commemorate a war victory. The first gladiatorial fight in Rome, however, is better documented. It was held in 246 BC as a funeral rite or "munus" for Junius Brutus which was given by his sons, Marcus and Decius. Three pairs of slaved fought in the forum Boarium.

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Did the gladiators only fight Christian's?

Gladiators fought other gladiators, they were not used to fight Christians. The only time a gladiator would fight a Christian is if his opponent happened to be one.Gladiators fought other gladiators, they were not used to fight Christians. The only time a gladiator would fight a Christian is if his opponent happened to be one.Gladiators fought other gladiators, they were not used to fight Christians. The only time a gladiator would fight a Christian is if his opponent happened to be one.Gladiators fought other gladiators, they were not used to fight Christians. The only time a gladiator would fight a Christian is if his opponent happened to be one.Gladiators fought other gladiators, they were not used to fight Christians. The only time a gladiator would fight a Christian is if his opponent happened to be one.Gladiators fought other gladiators, they were not used to fight Christians. The only time a gladiator would fight a Christian is if his opponent happened to be one.Gladiators fought other gladiators, they were not used to fight Christians. The only time a gladiator would fight a Christian is if his opponent happened to be one.Gladiators fought other gladiators, they were not used to fight Christians. The only time a gladiator would fight a Christian is if his opponent happened to be one.Gladiators fought other gladiators, they were not used to fight Christians. The only time a gladiator would fight a Christian is if his opponent happened to be one.

Why did people wont to be a gladiator?

People wonted to be gladiator for having a chance to get free by wining a fight in the arena.

When was the gladiator fight?

January 1, 404 AD

What did gladiator see and hear?

a man who fight people

What was the name of somebody hosting a gladiator fight?


What activities happed in the colosseum?

gladiator fighting, when a gladiator fights a tiger or when a beggar or law breaker has to fight for their lives

What did the Gladiator Verus accomplish?

The Gladiator fight Verus versus Priscus was written down from Martial in a poam. This was the only time that something was written this detailed over a gladiator fight. Both gladiators were called winners afterwards and were set free.

Who would win in a fight between a gladiator and a suicide bomber?

Depends if the gladiator has a bomb defuser and how stupid the suicide bomber is.

What were gladiator fights?

It was where a gladiator (venator) was pitted against an animal or beast and it was usually a fight to the death. These usually occurred in an amphitheatre.

What the most famous sport in ancient times?

gladiator fight