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never because there are new cases everyday from people who arent careful and they accidentally step on rusty nails or metal or when they cut by the metal or even rotten wood

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Q: When was the last recorded case of tetanus?
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When was the last recorded case of plague in Scotland?

I believe it was 1902, there was a case recorded in Leith.

Can you get tetanus by ingesting something with rust on it?

Yes. Depending on last tetanus shot (if any) and whether wound bled profusely or not.

What happens when tetanus toxoid administered in iv?

nobody died last time i did it

How long after a tetanus shot will severe arm muscle pain last?

I recently had a tetanus shot and the nurse told me that my arm would be sore for up to three days.

Does your child need tetanus injection after hamster bite?

It would be a good Idea to get one just in case. I believe that in some countries (e.g. the UK) there is routine inoculation provided for tetanus.

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the last recorded was in my pant

Is horse serum used in tetanus vaccine?

No, and it never was. The tetanus vaccine only contains human immunoglobulin. There is something called tetanus anti-toxin that can be produced in horses or sheep. If you have a puncture wound and have never been immunized or it has been over 10 years since your last booster shot, your doctor may give you a shot of this antitoxin. It's like giving antivenom for a snakebite. This anti-toxin shot is NOT the same as the tetanus vaccine. It doesn't last long in your system, so it does not confer tetanus immunity.

Is human bite a risk for tetanus infection?

Tetanus cannot be transferred via mouth to blood, due to the fact that tetanus cannot grow inside of the mouth because of the saliva. If one has tetanus, it cannot be transferred to another via mouth. The only possible danger is if your blood comes in contact with theirs in which case you might want to be checked, although chances of gaining tetanus from another person are slim to none and if you are updated on your tetanus shots, then there's nothing to worry about.

Why skeletal muscle can undergo tetanus?

It can but it undergoes incomplete tetanus, in this case there is a short period of relaxtion before a new contractian is initiated. The muscle contraction will go up in a wave like line..

What is lock jaw?

Lockjaw is a common term for Tetanus a medical condition that can cause stiffness and muscle spasms.Tetanus is caused by a bacteria (Clostridium Tetanai), most case can be treated with a vaccination "Tetanus Shot)

When was the first recorded case of AIDS?

Umm I am pretty sure that the first recorded case of aids was on 1981 in the USA

Who was the first recorded case of stigmata?

St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226) was the first recorded case of stigmata.