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Q: When was the pearl harbor bomb raid?
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Related questions

What did Hitler bomb Pearl Harbor with?

Hitler didn't bomb Pearl harbor, the Japanese did.

What was the retaliation of the attack on Pearl Harbor?

The Doolittle Raid was retaliation for the attack on Pearl Harbor. It occurred on April 18, 1942. It is also referred to as the Tokyo Raid.

Why did pearl harbor bomb us?

The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, not the U.S.A.

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a raid that will live in infamy. like pearl harbor

Where was Pearl Harbor bomb?


How did the atomic bomb of pearl harbor effect the world?

There was no atomic bombs on Pearl Harbor

Did pearl harbor bomb them back?


Did the US bomb Tokyo after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor?

The first US attack on Tokyo was the Doolittle Tokyo Raid which took place on April 18, 1942.

Did A6M Zeros bomb Pearl Harbor?

No, they escorted the bombers then strafed the installations around Pearl Harbor.

Did pearl harbor involve a major land battle?

No its waz just a air raid on the harbor.

Did the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor on purpose?

Why else would they bomb the harbour?

Why did US bomb china after pearl harbor?

They thought China helped bomb them.