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Asatro as a reconstructionist movement was founded almost simultaneously in Iceland (Íslenska Ásatrúarfélagið) and America (Asatru Free Assembly). This occurred in the early 1970s.

The historical basis for Asatro is Norse mythos, which may be up to 40,000 years old and originated in northern Europe.

It is very important though to note that Asatro and ancient Norse religion are by no means same - they simply share mythology, and symbols, as religions they are however fundamentally different. The latter was a nature religion which primarily focused on pleasing gods, in exchange for basic material needs and provide protection from the forces of nature and enemies, whereas the latter is a New Age religion with more spiritual aims.

As our knowledge of the old Norse religion is fairly scarce, and sources for understanding the thinking of this ancient people even more limited, it is safe to assume that making an accurate reconstruction of the the Norse religion is an impossibility, and would also serve little or no purpose.

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Q: When was the religion Asatru founded and where?
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Who founded Asatru?

The faith that we now call Asatru has been in existence for many more years than are recorded in history. Asatru, which means "belief in the gods," is a modern reconstructionist religion based on the faith practiced by the Norse people who first appeared around 40,000 years ago. Therefore it could be said that the origins of the beliefs are up to 40,000 years old, so even if there was a 'founder,' we will probably never know their name. Followers of Asatru will tell you that the faith on which our modern practice is based was 'founded' when the world was created, when the ice of Jotunheim and the fires of Muspelheim met and a landscape was formed. There is no prophet; no single individual to whom we can trace the religion. Several people can be credited with 'founding' the modern reconstructionist movement which began c. 1970, such as Stephen MacNallen, who founded the Asatru Free (now Folk) Assembly in 1973.

When was Asatru founded?

The modern reconstructionist movement that we call Asatru began in the 1970s. However, the faith on which it is based has been in existence in one form or another for upwards of 40,000 years.

What is the vikings original religion?

Back then there was no name for it, it was simply their way. Now its called Asatru.

What is an Asatruar?

An Asatruar is an adherent of Asatru, a neopaganistic religion derived from an old Norse religion which involves belief in and worship of the Aesir.

What is the viking religion?

Vikings are also called Scandinavians, and they all believe or once believed in Norse mythology, which is also called Norse paganism. Their gods include Odin, Thor, Loki and Freyja to name a few. Their afterlife is composed of various places to go, such as Valhalla if you died bravely in battle, but the most common place to go was hel. It should be noted that the form of religion vikings followed was not Asatru, as it a reconstructed religion and not the original. It should also be noted that Asatru, though it may be a reconstructed religion, is the common name that contemporary followers of the "Viking Religion" call themselves.

How poular is germanic neopaganism in the world now?

I've heard Asatru being described as "germanic neopaganism" and I'm assuming this is what you are referring to. But this is actually an incorrect description. Asatru is not a new religion. In fact, it is an ancient religion that is being reconstructed. Asatru is gaining new followers, every day. Though, the number of followers is still pretty small, compared to other religions.

What are the viking gods and there beliefs?

Too much info to post here, do a search on Asatru. That is the modern day pre-Christian Norse customs, which include their religion. Asatru litterally means True to the Aesir.

Where is the Asatru Alliance based?

The Asatru Alliance is based in the United States, with its headquarters located in the state of Florida. The organization has chapters and members throughout the country, promoting the practice and preservation of Asatru, a modern revival of the ancient Germanic pagan faith.

What is an Asatruist?

An Asatruist is someone who follows the modern revival of the ancient Germanic and Norse religion known as Asatru. Asatruists typically worship Norse gods like Odin, Thor, and Freyja, and often focus on concepts like honor, hospitality, and interconnectedness with nature. Community and celebration of ancestral heritage are also important aspects of Asatru practice.

What is an asatru 'blot'?

The Asatru Blot is the most Common Ritual within Asatru. For a more in-depth understanding of the complete ritual; look up - Lewis Stead's Book of Shadows: Asatru Blot. xyr0x A blot is a celebration where people of the Asatru Faith offer things such as mead, other alcohol and food. Asatru is one of the oldest Germanic Religions there is. By the way Asatru is a modern revival so it does not fit into Neo Paganism.