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Q: When was undersea telegraph cable completed between java and palmerston?
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How was the telegraph invited?

The telegraph was invented by Samuel Morse in the 1830s. Morse developed the system of dots and dashes known as Morse code to transmit messages over long distances using electrical signals sent along telegraph wires. The first telegraph line in the United States was completed in 1844 between Washington D.C. and Baltimore.

What was the significance of the transatlantic?

transatlantic telegraph cable is an undersea cable running under the Atlantic Ocean used for telegraph communications. The first was laid across the floor of the Atlantic from Telegraph Field, Foilhommerum Bay, Valentia Island in western Ireland to Heart's Content in eastern Newfoundland. The first communications occurred August 16, 1858, reducing the communication time between North America and Europe from ten days - the time it took to deliver a message by ship - to a matter of minutes. Transatlantic telegraph cables have been replaced by transatlantic telecommunications cables. Fudging pinecone

What developments between 1880 and 1890 spurred the development of mass marketing?

The railroad and telegraph systems were completed, thus providing the potential for nationwide distribution and communication. Mass-production techniques and equipment were refined

Had the telegraph been in existence the War of 1812 might never have occurred?

Yes, this is true; if the telegraph had been in existence at that time, then the War of 1812 would not have happened because the telegraph could have sped up communications between England and the U.S.

When was the underwater telegraph invented?

1850, between England and France.

Who built the telegraph?

Samuel Morse was the father of the telegraph and of Morse code. He built his first line between Washington DC and Baltimore in 1843.

What is the Undersea rail link between UK and France called?

Chunnel (also called channel tunnel)

When did the telegraph come to Australia?

Australia's famous Overland Telegraph Line was opened between Adelaide and Darwin in 1872. This connected Australia by telegraph to the rest of the world. Each of the colonies was then connected over the ensuing years.

First telegraph line in India was laid between?

Calcutta to Agra

Had the telegraph been in existence the War of 1812 might never have occurred.?

If the telegraph had been in existence at that time, then the War of 1812 would not have happened because the telegraph could have sped up communications between England and the U.S.

Had the telegraph been in existence the war of 1812 might never have occured?

If the telegraph had been in existence at that time, then the War of 1812 would not have happened because the telegraph could have sped up communications between England and the U.S.