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Q: When were books printed for the first time in Europe?
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What does edition mean when talking about books?

An edition of a book refers to the time it was printed. For example, a first edition was published in the first round of printing. A second edition is one which was printed in the second run of printing and so on.

When was the Basingstoke Gazette first printed?

The Basingstoke Gazette was first printed on January 5, 1878. At that time it was named the Hants and Berks Gazette. It has continued to be serve the community since that time.

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When was the first 5 dollar bill printed in the us?

a long time ago

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What kind of money do they use in Canada?

the Canadian dollar. it was printed in 1817 for the first time

How do you get to class on time?

Well, first you can get all of the books you need for the first half of the day and after that swap your books for the other ones:)

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Slavery in Europe goes back thousands of year and without a time machine you would have a very hard time finding the first slave in Europe or for that matter the first non European slave to enter Europe.

Who was the first king in Europe?

There have never been kings and queens of the whole of Europe. Various countries in Europe have had kings and queens from time to time.

How have books changed over time?

Books have evolved over time with advancements in technology, from handwritten scrolls to printed books and now digital formats. The range of topics and genres has expanded, reflecting changing societal values and interests. Additionally, accessibility to books has improved with increased literacy rates and the development of public libraries and online resources.

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Whose name comes first on printed napkins?

The grooms name should come first on printed napkins. By the time you are at the reception you are man and wife so it could have 'John and Jane Doe' on the napkins and the date of the wedding.