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The Bible was divided into present-day chapters by Stephen Langton about 1200 CE. Verses were separated and numbered by Robert Stephanus in 1557.


The Hebrew Old Testament was first divided into verses by a Jewish rabbi by the name of Nathan in A.D. 1448, which Robert Stephanus applied to the New Testament in 1555. Since that time, the chapter and verse divisions devised by Stephanus have been accepted into nearly all Bible versions.
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Q: When were chapters and verses added to the Bible?
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How many chapters and verses are in the Bible?

There are 1189 chapters and 31103 verses.

When and by whom were chapters added to the Bible?

A:The Bible was divided into present-day chapters by Stephen Langton about 1200 CE. Verses were separated and numbered by Robert Stephanus in 1557.

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Psalms 150 chapters, 2411 verses.

How many chapters and verses are there in the Bible?

There are 1,189 chapters and over 31,000 verses in the Bible (Old and New Testament) based on the King James Version. The Catholic Bible, however, has additional books in the Old Testament, which adds to the total number of chapters and verses.

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10 books. Bear in mind that the books of the Bible weren't originally written with chapters and verses, these were added later.

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The Verse.The Bible is split into 2 Testaments (Old and New), then into Books, then Chapters within books, and then Verses within chapters.

How is the Bible split up into books chapters and verses?

The books of the Bible are just that: books or letters written independently of one another that were accumulated together over time. The chapters and verses, aside from selected books, were subdivisions added later by monks, if I remember correctly. The main exception to this was Psalms, where each chapter was originally written as a separate song and therefore only the verse divisions were added later.

How many verses are in the King James version of the Bible?

In the King James version There are 1198 chapters which together have 30857 verses.