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It comes up to -1000 AD

Some historians believe that the earliest known clock was invented 4000 years BC. The sundial and the water clock, also called a clepsydrae are the oldest forms of time-telling devices.

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Q: When were clocks first invented?
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First clock invented?

The first clocks ever used were actually invented by the Egyptians. These clocks were sun dials that used the shadows to tell time.

Who invented sand clocks?

the maker and the first sand clock is unknown

When was the first analog clock invented?

In Greek and Roman times, water clocks were used.

When were digital clocks invented?

digital clocks were made in 1956 the digital clock was invented in 1956, it is the opposite to analogue.

Why is clocks called clocks?

I wouldn't say the inventor, had a reason for calling clocks clocks, the person in which invented clocks came up with the name himself

What did peter henlien invented?

He invented clocks and watch-glasses

Who invented clocks?

albert instine

When were timeclocks invented?

The first clocks (sundials) were invented a long time ago, and many historians can't place an exact date on their actual invention. Some believe that they first appeared in 3500 BC. Digital clocks and watches are newer inventions that were created in the modern era.

Why is clocks called clock?

I wouldn't say the inventor, had a reason for calling clocks clocks, the person in which invented clocks came up with the name himself

Who invented digital clocks?

the first digital clock was invented by Peter Petrov in 1968 The patent for the mechanism used in Pennwood and Lawson digital clocks was granted to Frederick A. Greenawalt, an employee of the Pennwood Company. Greenawalt's patent was issued in February 1935. Lawson stated selling digital clocks in 1934.

Who invented the first clock in what year?

They originally used sundials in ancient times (no exact year). Some report water clocks as far back as 4000 BC. As for the very first clock, none of the first clocks survived from 13th century Europe so it is known conclusively who the individuals were or what the clocks were.

When were 12 hour clocks invented?

12 hour clocks were invented in 1781 by a group of concerned citizen who could not tell time in digits