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Q: When were patents invented?
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Why were gene patents invented?

They were invented to protect the human inventions.. or human domain

Who invented the Segway?

Dean Kamen invented the Segway. He is a serial inventor of many patents, most of them for medical appliances.

When was the optical disc invented?

The optical disc was invented in the 1950's and 1960's. The first patents for this technology were registered to David Paul Gregg in 1961 and 1969. The Music Corporation of America bought the rights to these patents.

Who invented the timescope stethoscope?

The TimeScope Stethoscope, also known as PulseTime, Timeoscope, Mabis Timescope, Nurse Mate Timescope etc... was invented by an Black American by the name of Jerome Moore in 1996. Jerome Moore invented and received two United States Patents on the invention (Design & Utility Patents)

What were the patents registered by Mercedes-Benz?

They invented the airbag, ABS, ESP and 3 point seat belts.

Who invented thermocolour film?

Norbert Meckem and Heinrich Krauter are labelled as the inventors on the US patents website.

What is the Thomas Edison?

He is a great inventor. He improved and invented the first incadesent light bulb. he had 1093 patents.

What did Thomas Edison event?

he invented the electric light bulb What DIDN'T he invent? He received 1093 patents.

Who invented fifteen appliances for electric railways and was awarded more than sixty patents?

Granville T. Woods

Does Barack Obama have any patents?

Probably not. While the president has some knowledge of patent law (he is a former attorney), there is no evidence that he has invented anything, nor have we seen any reports that he holds any patents himself.

Who invented the laminating machine?

The hot roll laminating machine was invented by Donald F. Hannon, who held several patents for this and other laminating products. He was from Cleveland, Ohio.

How many patents were credited to George Washington Carver?

George Washington Carver invented over 300 products from peanuts, 178 products from sweet potatoes, and he invented many other products from pecans and soybeans.