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Q: When were the Elizabethan warships built?
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A battle between what changed the way warships were built?

The battle between the USS Monitor and the CSS Virginia changed the way warships were built. The two ships were both ironclad warships.

What were Elizabethan theatres?

Elizabethan Theatres were open roofed play houses built in the Renaissance

Warships in 1805?

Built of wood and cloth (powered by the wind).

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A naval arms race is a situation in which two or more countries continuously construct warships that are consistently more powerful than warships built by the other country built in the previous years

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RC warships are small remote controlled boats which oftentimes are built to fire small BBs at other RC warships causing them to become damaged and sink. RC warships typically run about 30 dollars a piece depending on their capabilities.

What was the item over an Elizabethan bed?

The item that was over an Elizabethan bed was the spheres/balls.

Who were the allies in the battle of the Philippine sea?

The USN. British warships were considered "short legged" by the USN. HMS warships were built for re-fuelling at naval bases; and had not learned nor were they equipped for "Fuelling At Sea" as USN warships could do; and nearly all Australian warships were British built. Consequently, British/Australian warships were often left out of the battle when battle did come. The British were by no means happy about this. But it couldn't be helped...the US had a war to win (keep up or be left behind!).

What is the name of the vessels the South built that marked the beginning of the modern armored selfpropelled warships?


Why were Elizabethan theaters built outside of city limits?

The Leaders in london did not approve of theaters

What are the most famous warships in the World?

The USS Arizona, USS California, USS Oaklahoma( these are the battleships) and the USS Oriskany aircraft carrier. The are the World's famous warships ever built but not around anymore.

What is the name of the vessels the South built that marked the beginning of the modern armored self propelled warships?

Ironclads ;)