

Best Answer
Roman Catholic AnswerThe key beliefs of the Catholic Church were initially defined by Our Blessed Lord when He was teaching on this earth. He then commissioned the Apostles to go out to all the world preaching and baptizing.
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Q: When were the key beliefs of the Catholic Church initially defined?
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.Catholic AnswerCardinal Richelieu was a Cardinal of the Catholic Church, his beliefs were Christian.

What is a prayer that states your beliefs?

Within the Catholic Church, there are three Creeds that state the beliefs of Catholics. The Athanasian Creed, Apostle's Creed, and Nicene Creed state all of the beliefs and structures of the Catholic church.

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Roman Catholic AnswerThe "Liberal Catholic Church" has absolutely nothing to do with the Catholic Church. It is sort of a new age conglomeration of various beliefs nearly all of which are considering Satanic by the Church.

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Why did the Lutherans break off from the Catholic church?

They disapproved of their beliefs.

Why is the Catholic Church considered to be an apostate church?

Answer from a CatholicThe Catholic Church is the only Church which is NOT an apostate church. Apostate means to abandon beliefs, the Catholic Church is the only Church established by Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, and guaranteed by the Holy Spirit. All other "Churches" have apostatized from the Catholic Church.

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Roman Catholic AnswerThe consequences of following the Catholic Church is, as promised by Our Blessed Lord, eternal salvation and happiness forever in heaven with Him.

Catholic beliefs in bible?

All of the beliefs in the Bible are Catholic, the Bible was written by Catholics, and the New Testament that we use today was approved by the Catholic Church in 390 AD at the Council of Rome.

What is importance of the Nicene Creed?

It defined the importance of the church's beliefs

How did the principles Calvinism differ from that of the catholic church?

john Calvin was liked among all of his people and in the catholic church people were limited to their practices and beliefs

Is the Roman Catholic religion the same as Ukrainian Catholic?

ukrainian catholic church is really protestant I do believe