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They disapproved of their beliefs.

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Q: Why did the Lutherans break off from the Catholic church?
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What do Lutherans eat in the celebration of communion?

Same thing as the Catholic Church. The Lutheran church began as an off shoot of the Catholic Church. Bread/ juice is used or crackers/juice/wine.

What year did the Lutheran church actually break off from the Catholic church?

Actually, the Lutheran Church did not technically "break off" from the Catholic Church. The Lutheran Church was made up out of whole cloth by the princes of northern Germany in 1517, I believe.

What does each church belie ve?

It all depends on the specific church and which break off of Christianity that they've taken. Such as lutherans believe different things than catholics. It all has to do with history and how you interpret the bible. But for the most part they still have the same core belief system.

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Selling off the property of the Catholic Church and Noble emigres.

How did the schism of 1054 affect the Byzantine Empire?

It is when The Roman Catholic Church and The Eastern Orthodox Church had The Great Schism, in which The Roman Catholic Church broke off The Orthodox Church.

Does every Church some what branches off the Roman Catholic Church?

Well, no, for several reasons: 1) There is no Roman Catholic Church: It's just Catholic, not Roman Catholic. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the official Catholic Church. . 2) The Catholic Church cannot have "branches", it is the one and only, single Body of Christ, and His Bride. Our Blessed Savior only has ONE body and one Bride. He is not schizophrenic, and He is not psychotic. He formed ONE Church, guaranteed it, and send the Holy Spirit to guide it until the end of the world. 3) There are only a handful of protestant "churches" that LEFT the Catholic Church, like the Lutherans, the Methodists, Anglicans, etc. Most of the other 33,000 + (as of 2013) are brand new churches that either left the originals, or never left anyone, just started on their own out of nowhere.

How is eucharist in Anglican church and catholic church?

The Eucharist is a practice both in the Anglican Church (The Church of England) and the Catholic Church (The Church of Rome.) This is because the Anglican Church is a break-off of the Catholic Church and so retains some of the Catholic teachings. The Anglican Church was started for various reasons by King Henry VIII of England, who wanted the English Catholics to look to him as the head of the English Church, and not to the Pope. Henry kept most of the Catholic Church's doctrines, and one of such doctrines was the doctrine of the Eucharist, which is, in the Catholic Church, the physical, true presence of the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ in the form of bread and wine. However, since the Anglicans rebelled against the Pope and broke off from the main body of Catholics, this was heresy and since they are not in communion with the Chair of Peter, their Eucharist is not truly the Body and Blood of Jesus, as the religion is heresy. For more information, you can visit your local Catholic parish.

Was Martin Luther King a Catholic?

No, Martin Luther King was a Baptist, a church which split off from the Church of England. It, as well as the Church of England, is considered as a Protestant denomination and not a part of the Catholic Church.

Why did Henry VIII demolish barking abbey?

Henry 8th demolished barking abbey to break off ties with the catholic church during theEuropean reformation. He also did it for the money (which was alot)

Did you have to pay to got to the Catholic churche in the 16 century?

One has never had to pay money to attend a Catholic Church. The church has always operated off free will offerings.

When does a priest wear an off white vestment?

Off-white is NOT a liturgical color approved by the Catholic Church.

Decline of the Church's prestige in Reformation?

If by the Church you mean the Catholic Church, Martin Luther's criticisms struck a chord amongst many that were turned off by the corruption of the Catholic Church. The Reform was part of an era where people started questioning authority.