

When were water tanks invented?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: When were water tanks invented?
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Air tanks were invented to hold compressed air.

What year was tanks invented?

The first functional battle tanks were invented in 1915

When were fish tanks discovered?

Fish tanks were not 'discovered' they were invented.

Who invented the war tanks?


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Who invented the war machines, tanks, battleships, and crossbow?

When were army tanks invented?

The British invented tanks in WWI; to breach the trenches. ========== Early drawings for a tank appear in the notebooks of Leonardo DaVinci.

What things were invented in 1910?

Army Tanks

Who invented pocket tanks?

Ms. Askew

Who invented oxygen tanks?

Stephine J.

Why are tanks Used in Battle so called?

Tanks were invented by the British during World War 1. Obviously they were an important secret; to avoid any flapping lips from the factory workers the management explained these new devices as "water tanks for Mesopotamia". From then on everyone referred to them as just "tanks". The name has stuck.

What new weapons or war machines were used on D Day?

Colonel Hobart (England) invented many vehicles that were used on D-Day. He invented amphibious tanks that could operate in water before landing on the beach ("Donald Duck", duplex drive tanks), he invented tanks that could fire flamethrowers, he invented tanks that could fire heavy mortars that could blast bunkers at point blank range, he invented tanks that could put down planks of wood that could give traction and support to tanks that ran on beach sandy ground so they would not sink in the sand. He invented tanks that could put down items so the tanks could get off the beach and get onto high ground. These tanks were called "Hobart's Funnies". After D-Day, June 6, 1944, the Americans took German beach obstacles and fitted them to American M-4 Sherman tanks, called "Rhinos", and these pieces of metal ripped up the Bouchage hedge rows and enabled the Americans and others to break out of the Normandy Peninsula.

When were breathing tanks invented?

1911-The oxegen breather was invented. By:Dreager of German.