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Q: When will Orthodox and Roman Catholic Easter be on the same day?
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Why Catholic Easter is one week before orthodox?

Because the two Churches (Orthodox and Catholic) use different calendars to calculate the date of Easter (which is a movable holiday). The Orthodox Church uses the Julian calendar, whereas the Catholic Church uses the Gregorian calendar. The two Easters are not always a week apart (in 2007, they were on the same day), but that's usually the case.

What is orthodox Easter?

Orthodox Easter is the date when Eastern Orthodox Christians throughout the world celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. This year, Orthodox Easter is on 27 April 2008, according to the Julian Calendar. The Western Christians (Catholics and Protestants) now use the Gregorian Calendar to calculate their Easter. Orthodox Easter is also known as 'Pascha' in Greek, and has continued to be celebrated in the same way by Orthodox Christians for over 2,000 years.

What is the difference between Greek Orthodox Easter and Roman Catholic Easter?

The Orthodox Church uses the old Julian calendar to calculate Easter, whereas the Roman Catholics and Protestants use the new Gregorian calendar. Previously, they all used the same Julian calendar, until Pope Gregory XIII changed it (and named the new calendar after himself) in 1582. This means that Easter for Roman Catholics and Protestants can often take place before the Jewish passover, which is chronologically inaccurate, whereas Orthodox Easter is always after the Jewish passover, which is the historically accurate sequence of events.

What day does Orthodox Easter fall on 2011?

It will be April 24, which is the same day as the Western Easter.

Why is the Eastern Orthodox celebrated at a different time from the rest of the Christian World?

Eastern Orthodox Churches and along with with most other Churches, which are not derived from the Roman Catholic Church, the computation is done in accordance to the same rules for over 1000 years. Roman Church has changed the calendar to Gregorian along with shift to the Easter Sunday estimation. The main reason for the Orthodox Churches to keep the Julian Calendar for Easter, even when the fix-day celebrations are according to Gregorian Calendar, is that Resurection Day must always be after the Jewish Passover. With Western/Gregorian style computations, it comes not only on the same date, but often quite earlier, which is unacceptable for the Orthodox Church.

Are saints the same in Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches?

While both the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches venerate saints, there are differences in the canonization processes and the specific saints recognized. The Eastern Orthodox Church has a more decentralized approach to recognizing saints, with each local church having its own calendar of saints. In contrast, the Roman Catholic Church has a centralized canonization process overseen by the Vatican.

When is Eastern Orthodox Easter in 2012?

This year (2010) and next year, the dates for Easter will be the same among the East and the West.

When was Roman Catholic Diocese of Same created?

Roman Catholic Diocese of Same was created in 1963.

What is the population of Roman Catholic Diocese of Same?

The population of Roman Catholic Diocese of Same is 562,950.

When does lent end in the byzantine Catholic church?

It ends the same day as the Roman Catholic lent- the day before Easter. But it starts the Monday before Ash Wednesday. And the requirements are much different.

How are Roman Church holidays and church structures different from the Orthodox Churches?

That's a long an complicated question. The short answer is the Roman Catholic Church celebrates most holidays on the Western Calendar while the Eastern Orthodox use a slightly different calendar known as the Eastern Calendar. Some years the dates are the same and others they are different. The Roman Catholic Church structure is similar to the Eastern Orthodox. However, the Eastern Orthodox setup a church in each country (generally, America being one notable exception) whereas the Roman Catholics have a world wide structure.

When is Good Friday in Spain?

Spain is a Roman Catholic country. Good Friday is celebrated the same day by Protestant churches and the Roman Catholic Church. Good Friday is the Friday before Easter, which is calculated differently in Eastern Christianity and Western Christianity. Easter falls on the first Sunday following the Paschal Full Moon, the full moon on or after 21 March, taken to be the date of the vernal equinox. The Western calculation uses the Gregorian calendar to establish the equinox. Churches following the Orthodox rites celebrate a differant day