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Q: When will ovulation starts?
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Ovulation pain after ovulation is that after the egg poped out?

Yes it when it burst and starts to travel down the fallopion tube

Can you get pregnant on the day ovulation starts?

Yes, you can get pregnant if ovulation starts because this means that the egg which is ready for fertilization is now released. It can live up to 12 to 24 hours before it will be absorb in the lining of the uterus.

What is a ovulation predictor?

One of the methods to predict ovulation is calendar method. You just check you menstrual cycle and calculate ovulation. e.g. If you have a 28-day cycle, ovulation starts around the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. I use this calendar and it helps me to know days of ovulation.

What is luteinzing hormone target organ?

The target organ is the ovary it's starts ovulation

Is the day of ovulation considered day 1 or would the day after be considered day 2?

Day 1 is the day a woman starts bleeding. Ovulation normally occurs on day 14 given that a period is regular. Day 1 is the day a woman starts bleeding. Ovulation normally occurs on day 14 given that a period is regular.

What is the youngist you can get pregnant?

Pregnancy is possible once ovulation starts. as soon as you start your menstrual cycle you can get pregnant.

How long does it take for the egg to dissolve during ovulation?

Roughly 14 days later - when your period starts

What does ovulation mean is that the discharge are your period?

Ovulation is when your ovaries release an egg. Menstruation occurs when that egg is not fertilised and your menstrual cycle starts a new. Discharge is something you get throughout your entire menstrual cycle.

Two days post ovulation will a test work?

no. the longer u can wait the better. the embryo wont even implant until around 9 days past ovulation and then the hormone starts ot build. so u have to be at least 11ish days past ovulation

Which symptoms of ovulation are considered normal?

For the majority of women, ovulation starts every 23 to 35 days but this can be delayed due to environmental factors such as stress. Ovulation pain is one of the common symptoms of ovulation and is felt as a pain around the lower abdomen. A drop in body temperature is also noticed during ovulation and a normal increase is faced after ovulation. The cervical mucus will also be watery like a raw egg-white during this period, these symptoms are all normal symptoms to face during the period of ovulation.

When can human fertilization take place?

The ovum can be fertilized for about two days after ovulation in the female human, on average ovulation takes place every 28 days, It can be longer or shorter depending on the individual woman. Ovulation takes place half way through a woman's menstrual cycle. in other word if she starts her menstrual bleeding every 28 days, then she ovulates 14 days after the bleeding starts.

What courses abdominal pain 15 days after your period?

it could be ovulation which typically occurs 14 day after your period starts.